
Feeling the Pinch

Agencies watch their wallets and bring work back in-house.


Follow the Leader?

Conflicting small business directives toss contracting into a state of confusion.


Civilian agencies get green light to continue insourcing

Administration’s top procurement official says others need not follow in Defense’s footsteps.


IG: Infighting hampers oversight of Defense contractors

Watchdog finds audit and management agencies are not collaborating to find and resolve problems.


Alaska native firms lament loss of an advocate

Former Sen. Ted Stevens, killed in a plane crash on Monday, helped create a program that gives ANCs a leg up on federal contracts.


Pentagon abandons insourcing effort

Defense Secretary Gates says the initiative did not produce the savings he anticipated.


Senators are worried about counterfeit Defense supplies

Two recent reports finding vulnerabilities in the Pentagon’s ability to detect and prevent fakes spark concern.


Industry group fears publicizing contractor database could backfire

Professional Services Council argues opening FAPIIS could improperly influence the bidding process and lead to disclosure of proprietary information.


GAO rejects union’s privatization protest

Decision clears way for a contractor to assume control of food service at six Air Force bases.


Mistaken disability payments might have allowed feds to double-dip

Watchdog finds 1,500 employees likely received improper benefits on top of a salary; SSA chief says report is inflammatory.


Industry urges caution with Navy’s preferred supplier program

Trade associations say initiative needs refining before it is expanded departmentwide.


OMB will provide funding for program evaluations

Memo encourages agencies to conduct evidence-based analyses to determine if programs are operating efficiently and effectively.


Lawmakers seek to update jobs program for blind and disabled

Bipartisan legislation would change AbilityOne oversight and regulations, and provide additional resources.


Push and Pull

White House mulls the option of posting contract documents online to improve transparency.


Women’s small biz program to make long-awaited debut

SBA administrator promises initiative that’s been in limbo for one decade will launch before the end of the year.


Senate committee approves online earmark database bill

Legislation would include data on all such requests before a final vote on the funding.


Hearing elicits contrition, but few answers for Arlington Cemetery scandal

After nearly $10 million in IT contracts, officials say cemetery still uses paper records to track graves.


Phony firm at historic landmark makes the cut for small biz program

Site of the Alamo is among the far-fetched addresses investigators were able sneak through a seven-month HUBZone certification process.


Proposed conflict of interest rule is a lightning rod for criticism

Industry representatives argue the draft regulation is burdensome, inefficient and too broad in scope.


Oversight of war zone subcontractors is lacking, panel finds

Defense audit agency identified millions in unsupported costs; prime contractors held accountable.