
White House Sends Spending Wish List to Congress

List includes more money for an experimental Ebola drug and more flexibility for handling the border crisis.


Obama's Been Too Busy Being President to Issue His Big Immigration Order

The president now says to expect an announcement "soon." But when is soon


House Republicans Won't Vote on an ISIL Resolution Unless Obama Asks For It

Members in both parties have begun clamoring for Congress to respond to the advances of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.


Kevin McCarthy Doesn't Want the Government's Marshmallow Roasting Advice

Forest Service blog post "perfectly captures what is wrong with our government," House majority leader says.


U.S., Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger Team Up to Thwart Boko Haram

An assistant secretary of state said the situation on the ground "is worsening."


What Grover Norquist Learned at Burning Man

The anti-tax activist came away from the Nevada desert party with an appreciation for its demand for "radical self-reliance."


Even Supreme Court Justices Cite 'Internet Facts' (Just Like the Rest of Us)

A new study finds that Supreme Court justices often cite briefs whose facts come from dubious sources.


U.S. Won't Raise Terror Threat Level Even Though U.K.'s Is 'Severe'

The U.S. threat level remains the same, officials said, despite the U.K.'s move to raise its level to "severe" in response to the Islamic State.


Coast Guard Narrowly Avoids Sparking World War III

A Coast Guard fired a single shot at an Iranian boat in the Persian Gulf. Somehow, We are not at war with Iran.


John Boehner's Greatest Acts as a Wind-Up Monkey

The Speaker of the House says he is little more than a toy monkey operated by his staff.


Paul Ryan Says His Big Ideas Will Have to Wait

Ryan's far-reaching plans for overhauling entitlement programs and the tax code are likely going to stay in the development stage for another two years.


Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan Beg Each Other to Run for President

The two sat down for their first joint interview since the 2012 election on Fox News.


GOP Hawks Push Obama to Up the Ante After Foley

Push includes new support for U.S. ground troops, if not (yet) a full-scale re-invasion of the country.


Pentagon Fires Back At Critics of 'Police Militarization' Program

Defense Spokesman John Kirby told reporters that the 1033 program was not "some program run amok."


Congressman's Push to Curb Police Militarization Gets Big Boost After Ferguson

Georgia Democrat for months had been shopping around legislation to boost accountability and limit the kind of military equipment that local police departments can acquire.


U.S. Deems Iraq Rescue Mission Unlikely As Thousands Escape Mt. Sinjar

An assessment team determined that thousands had already escaped the mountain.


Does Obama Know Something We Don't About Supreme Court Retirements?

Speculation about the 81-year-old Ginsburg has been raging in political circles since shortly after Obama's re-election.


The DEA Paid An Amtrak Secretary $854,460 for Free Passenger Lists

The secretary had "effectively been acting as an informant" who sold private passenger information without approval