
Why Some Conservatives Are Unhappy About New Obamacare Cuts

Republicans win the delay of two unpopular taxes in the health law, but one right-wing group is worried the changes will make a full repeal more difficult.


Has Congress Already Forgotten About the Deficit?

A sweeping tax bill under discussion would cost $700 billion to $800 billion over a decade, erasing revenue generated from recent fiscal deals.


The Shutdown Fight Neither Party Wants

With Congress running out of time to pass a major spending bill, Republicans will try to keep the government open through the weekend.


Donald Trump Calls to Ban Muslim Immigrants

Republican frontrunner demands a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on."


The U.S. Senate Is Still One of the World's Whitest Workplaces

The membership of the upper chamber of Congress is famously unrepresentative of the American people—and so is its senior staff, a new study finds.


Congress Eyes Changes to Visa-Waiver Travel Program

Lawmakers want to tighten the visa-waiver program to keep Islamic State militants out of the U.S.—and this time, they have the White House’s support.


Donald Trump's Eventful and Fact-Free Weekend

The Republican frontrunner claimed Muslims in New Jersey cheered 9/11, defended the beating of a black protester, and circulated false and racially-charged crime stats. And that was just since Friday.


Republicans Try to Deploy Red Tape to Tangle the Refugee Program

A House proposal likely to pass on Thursday wouldn’t shut the nation’s doors to people fleeing Syria and Iraq, but that could be the practical effect.


Could a Terrorist Infiltrate the Syrian Refugee Program?

Despite the current uproar, the U.S. has been resettling people fleeing war-torn countries for decades without trouble.


Congress Struggles to Renew Health Benefits for 9/11 Responders

The struggle to get Congress to renew health benefits for responders shows how the political potency of the attacks has diminished with time.


Hoping to Crown a Frontrunner, Republicans Meet in Milwaukee for Fourth Debate

As the candidates gather in Milwaukee, will Ben Carson, Donald Trump, or Marco Rubio assume the mantle of GOP leader?


Congress Dares to Tweak Obamacare

Lawmakers aren’t bragging about it, but they have agreed on two fixes to the polarizing health law in the last month.


Paul Ryan Trashes His Budget Gift

“This process stinks,” the Wisconsin Republican said about the fiscal deal ahead of the speaker vote this week.


White House, Congressional Negotiators Strike a Budget Deal

Negotiators have reached an agreement that would increase federal spending, and the debt limit, for the next two years.


Is a Shutdown Possible if the House Can't Elect a New Speaker?

If conservatives deny Kevin McCarthy the 218 votes he needs to win, just about anything’s possible.


House Oversight Committee Chairman May Run for House Speaker

Representative Jason Chaffetz may run for speaker after criticizing the frontrunner’s comments about the Benghazi investigation and Hillary Clinton.


John Boehner's Attempt to Fix Things Before He Leaves Congress

He wants to "clean the barn up" before he leaves Congress. Here's what that could mean.


Republicans Swear This Shutdown Will Be Different

The strategy has never worked for the GOP’s right flank, but they’re going down the same path anyway.


The Story Behind Ben Carson's Surge in the GOP Polls

After a lackluster summer, the famous neurosurgeon is finally surging—but his reliance on the conservative grassroots might be a burden as much as a boon.


Conservatives Plotting Against Planned Parenthood and John Boehner Could Force a Shutdown

Conservatives want to defund the group, even if it means a shutdown. And they’re holding the GOP leadership accountable.