
Bin Laden planned Sept. 11 anniversary attack

Officials say plot seemed to be in the early stages.


TSA pilot program to expedite screening for frequent fliers

Plan will let officers "focus their efforts on higher risk areas," administrator says.


U.S. to begin 'thinning out' its Afghan forces

Initial changes will generally involve shifting troops around within the country, not taking them out entirely.


Petraeus acknowledges differences with Obama over Afghan drawdown

President's plan is significantly faster than the general had wanted.


Suspicious package found near Pentagon

Device was deemed "safe" after a bomb squad was called to the scene.


Case closed: District court dismisses bin Laden charges after nearly 13 years

Bin Laden had been wanted for more than a decade in New York.


Senate panel approves Panetta for Defense secretary

Armed Services Committee gave consent in a unanimous voice vote.


National Archives posts declassified Pentagon Papers online

Release is timed with 40th anniversary of original leaks.


Space shuttle Endeavour makes its final landing

Mission was the second-to-last for the U.S. shuttle program.


Top officials warn against leaks in wake of bin Laden raid

Panetta tells staff that leaks could lead to prosecution.


Navy suspends guidelines for same-sex marriages on bases

Initial plans would have allowed gay service members to exchange vows in base chapels with Navy chaplains performing the ceremony.


General: Militants more likely to surrender after bin Laden's death

U.S. effort is aimed at reducing al Qaeda's ranks in Afghanistan.


Bin Laden's last tape threatens new attacks if U.S. continues to support Israel

Final tape was recorded a week before U.S. killed al Qaeda leader.


Threats of retaliatory attacks loom

In the wake of Osama bin Laden's killing, State Department issues worldwide travel alert for U.S. citizens.


U.S., U.K. defense chiefs united on Libya for now

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has continued to assert there will be no American boots on the ground in Libya.


WikiLeaks suspect to be moved to Fort Leavenworth

Human rights groups have complained of "inappropriate" treatment of Bradley Manning at Marine Corps base in Quantico, Va.


Shutdown would halt National Guard training

Active-duty personnel must report for duty.


Two out of three national security insiders support deeper Defense cuts

Gate's cuts do not go far enough, the National Journal survey respondents say.


In Libya war, new –and old– fears of terrorism

Gadhafi using terrorism is a "legitimate concern," says Pentagon official.


Group says biometric screening could reduce airport hassle

Passengers who volunteer personal biometric data — possibly including iris scans or fingerprints — and answer questions would glide through airport security.