
Gates: U.S. would consider staying in Iraq beyond 2011

Request "clearly needs to come from the Iraqis," Defense chief says.


Senators want Congress, not courts, to repeal 'Don't Ask'

If a federal judge reverses the ban on service by openly gay men and women, it could be more disruptive to troops, lawmakers say.


Air cargo group urges global cooperation

Intelligence and technology are needed to stop terrorists and secure cargo, international trade group executive says.


Authorities report another shooting at Marine Corps museum

Incident comes on the heels of three other recent shootings that the FBI says are linked.


Survey: Troops would back 'don't ask' repeal

Working group is analyzing the survey results and coordinating a plan to overturn the policy if Congress does revoke the law.


'Don't ask, don't tell' divides secretaries, commanders

Top Defense political appointees support repealing ban on gays serving openly in the military.


McCain denies 'stimulus hypocrisy' accusation

Center for Public Integrity alleges lawmaker opposed stimulus plan and then made request for funds.


Pentagon entrances briefly closed after report of gunshots

Security has been tighter since shooting in March.


Armed services accept gay recruits -- with a caveat

High-level Defense Department directive was sent to recruiting officials Friday, but recruits must be informed that moratorium could be reversed at any time.


Lawmakers urge deficit panel to back Defense cuts

Gates has proposed cutting more than $100 billion within the department's budget over the next five years.


Gates reaffirms Defense commitment to South Korea

The two countries recently held joint military exercises, initiated in response to North Korea's sinking of a South Korean warship.


Military command downplays fuel supply attack

Less than 1 percent of Afghanistan-bound trucks and traffic have experienced any damage, says U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force.