
A Government Fight Over Cow Food Could Make Beer More Expensive

FDA regulations undergoing a review could increase the price of beer, milk, and more, critics say.


Why a Sebelius Senate Run Could Help Republicans

Having the woman who oversaw the rollout of the Affordable Care Act on the ballot could boost GOP fundraising efforts.


John McCain: Classified Senate Report on Torture 'Chilling'

Some aspects of the report are too upsetting to repeat, the GOP senator says.


The Senate Has a Deal on Unemployment Insurance

The package is expected to pass after the Senate returns on March 24.


Senate Democrats Will Not Do a Budget This Year

The already small number of things Congress plans to do this year just got smaller.


Senate Raises Debt Ceiling

Congress has voted to suspend the debt limit until March 2015. But this doesn't mean the fight is permanently over.


Omnibus Spending Bill Sails Through Senate; Headed for Obama's Signature

Bill prevents another shutdown and provides more than $1 trillion in discretionary funding for agencies.


Congressional Negotiators Reach Deal on Omnibus Spending Plan

Legislation includes all 12 appropriations bills and funds the government through the end of September,


Senators Eye Changes to Military Pension Provision in Budget Deal

The measure could be amended next year, before the pension cuts take effect.


Appropriators Will Work Through the Holidays to Avoid a Shutdown

Congress must pass a spending package implementing the budget deal by Jan. 15.


Forecast for Passing Two-Year Budget Deal is Sunny in the Senate

Even critics of the agreement prefer it to another government shutdown.


Holiday Miracle? Congress on Verge of Passing Budget

Senate is expected, but not guaranteed, to pass the plan next week.


Will Rank-and-File Lawmakers Accept the Budget Deal?

Both sides may have trouble selling the plan.


Everyone Hates the Emerging Budget Deal

One major sticking point for Democrats is a proposed increase in civilian feds' pension contributions.


Optimism Persists for Budget Deal. Is It Real?

There are 10 days left before negotiators must report their recommendations.


Congress Faces a Stark Choice: Sequester or Shutdown

The political dilemma boils down to this: either accept a second round of deep cuts or risk another closure of government.Alb


On Budget Conference Committee, Even Small Proposals Generate Arguments

Ideas as small as raising user fees are generating some controversy.