Top 200

Renewing Energy


Study shows human resources outsourcing on the rise

But U.S. lags behind some foreign countries in outsourcing HR, according to study conducted by Accenture.

Pay & Benefits

Federal law enforcement officers shoot for pay parity

Managers in high-cost cities are frustrated that they cannot counter salary offers made from more generous state and local police forces.


Cash Cops

Pay & Benefits

Senior executive corps to see base salary increases

Agencies must implement new performance evaluation systems for Senior Executive Service members.

Pay & Benefits

OPM begins annual process of adjusting special pay rates

Agencies asked to recommend 2005 increases for about 140,000 employees by mid October.


Agency Reconstruction

Officials at the Public Building Service clarified what the agency did, then reconfigured the workforce to meet that mission.


Bill would protect whistleblowers

The Justice Department had opposed earlier versions of the whistleblower legislation.

Pay & Benefits

OPM decries patchwork of pay systems for law enforcement

Years of uncoordinated legislation and litigation has led to myriad compensation systems that differ from one agency to the next.


Three departments reap benefits of new hiring flexibilities

Defense, HHS and Energy beat private-sector hiring average and attract highly qualified candidates.

Pay & Benefits

OPM studies show heightened interest in federal careers

Two-thirds of respondents to one recent survey said they were more interested in government work today than a few years ago.


Getting Organized

News And Analysis

Answering the Call

News And Analysis

Raising the Rent


Major federal employee union backs Kerry

The American Federation of Government Employees rally support for the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Pay & Benefits

Staying the Course

Preliminary results of a new OPM study show that federal law enforcement officers hung on to their jobs last year.


Justice Delayed


Businesses pay the price for slow visa processing

Extra security steps tangle procedures and cost millions.


Union must stop voter registration drives in federal offices

Office of Special Counsel decision is politically motivated, says American Federation of Government Employees.