Pay & Benefits

The New Rules of the Social Security Game

What happens after the elimination of the traditional “file and suspend” strategy?

Pay & Benefits

Another Chance for Health Plan Changes

An unusual limited opportunity to switch to a new type of FEHBP coverage.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Tax Tips

Maximizing your withdrawals while avoiding penalties.

Pay & Benefits

Changing Stakes on Claiming Social Security

Congress puts a stop to two popular strategies for maximizing benefits.

Pay & Benefits

A Rare Open Season For Life Insurance

Get ready for an unusual event: an open enrollment period for Federal Employees Group Life Insurance.

Pay & Benefits

The Index: 2016 Edition

Your annual guide to retirement planning, organized by topic.

Pay & Benefits

Retirement Modernization, Take Five

A Q&A with the CEO of the company hired to undertake the latest effort to automate federal retirement processing.

Pay & Benefits

Solving the Open Season Puzzle

Put the pieces together correctly and you could save some money in 2016.

Pay & Benefits

Recoup Some Savings During Open Season

You may even be able to offset your spending on holiday shopping.

Pay & Benefits

What You Need to Know about Health and Life Insurance

Planning ahead is critical if you want to avoid unpleasant (and potentially life-altering) surprises.

Pay & Benefits

You Have TSP Questions; We Have Answers

Why you should do a dry run of your taxes before pulling the plug on work, and other tips.

Pay & Benefits

Open Season Trick or Treat

It’s time to take a close look at your healthcare expenses for 2015 and consider ways to lower them in 2016.

Pay & Benefits

Looking for Expert Advice? TSP Has It.

The Thrift Savings Plan’s low administrative fees should make you think twice before moving your money.

Pay & Benefits

Why Your Retirement Spending Estimates Are Probably Wrong

The experts weigh in on where people miscalculate in their life-after-work plans.

Pay & Benefits

Who Can You Trust?

If you hire a financial planner, make sure they’re qualified and put your interest above their own.

Pay & Benefits

Be Ready for the Long Term

No one knows what the future holds, but that doesn't mean you can't prepare. Here's what I'm telling my children.