Pay & Benefits

Not Exactly Getting Rich

A look at how the Windfall Elimination Provision can dramatically affect retirement income.

Pay & Benefits

When is a Windfall not a Windfall?

When it’s subject to the dreaded Windfall Elimination Provision, of course.

Pay & Benefits

How About Some Good News?

It’s not all gloom and doom in the federal retirement world.

Pay & Benefits

How to Prepare for a Retirement Storm

Take a week to get yourself ready for potential changes to federal benefits.

Pay & Benefits

Don’t Mess With the G Fund

A House proposal would fundamentally change the Thrift Savings Plan’s “safe” investment fund.

Pay & Benefits

The Importance of Accurate Information

In some federal agencies, retirement specialists aren’t getting the training they need to effectively help employees.

Pay & Benefits

A Critical Part of Planning, By Any Estimation

It’s important that agencies provide retirement estimates to employees.

Pay & Benefits

What Happens When You Say 'I Do'

There’s a lot to think about, especially if your betrothed is also a fed.

Pay & Benefits

Three (or More) Helpings of the TSP

Yes, you can take multiple partial distributions from your investments after you retire. Here’s how.

Pay & Benefits

You’ve Invested for Retirement. Now What?

What to do with the wealth you’ve accumulated in the Thrift Savings Plan.

Pay & Benefits

Neither CSRS nor FERS

There are lessons for all federal employees from those in an oft-overlooked system.

Pay & Benefits

Is FERS Better? Readers Weigh In

Reaction to last week’s column on how the two federal retirement systems stack up.

Pay & Benefits

Unlocking the Secrets of FERS

For some people, it’s a better retirement system. Really.

Pay & Benefits

Beware of Scams

Fraudsters are waiting to separate you from your retirement savings.

Pay & Benefits

The TSP by the Numbers

A snapshot of the $431 billion federal retirement investment plan.