
Play of the Day: Tempting Chris Christie ... with fried chicken?

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day -- Mel Gibson was the 'Antichrist' Obama heckler? Plus: Screech for Obama in 2012

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day -- Stewart calls GOP race a season of 'American Idol' in reverse

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day -- GOP debate between Romney, Perry and six other people who will never be president

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day -- Where will the NASA satellite land? Plus: Ahmadinejad has beef with Netflix

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day -- How Snooki is getting 'screwed' by Gov. Chris Christie

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day -- Colbert proposes a death tax on 'cadaver-can Americans'

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day -- Maher on 2012: Perry isn't a centrist Republican, Obama is

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day -- Rick Perry can't be bought with only $5K; Grim Reaper for VP?

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day -- 'Make it Rain Act' a better name for jobs bill?

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Play of the Day: Letterman traces source of earthquake to 'Chris Christie's aerobics class'

A daily roundup of late-night video.


Bachmann spins her federal tax-attorney experience

'I went to work in that system because the first rule of war is: Know your enemy,' the Minnesota Republican says of her work for the IRS.


Senators aim to bolster fight against cyber crimes

New bill would change felony requirements so hackers could be charged for damaging 10 or more computers; current rules set bar at minimum of $5,000 worth of harm.


Industry embraces health IT bill

Measure would establish a national coordinator within HHS and create a public-private advisory body to ensure interoperability standards.