
These Awards Make Government Look Bad

It may be time to rethink the Obama administration's competition for cost-cutting ideas.


OMB Unveils Best Cost-Cutting Ideas

Finalists for administration’s annual SAVE Award back enabling veterans to track prescriptions online and making employee certifications transferable among agencies.


Can President Obama Manage Government?

If he wants to leave a lasting legacy, he needs to become a more effective leader of the federal bureaucracy.

Editor's Note

Boldly Going

Real leaders keep government moving forward under trying circumstances.


A Meeting of the Minds on the Future of Defense

Request an invitation to the Inaugural Defense One Summit.


House GOPer: No Back Pay for Feds Home Watching Netflix

Rep. Ted Yoho reverses himself on the issue of retroactive pay for furloughed employees.


Do Lawmakers Fear Mobs of Angry Feds?

According to one report, they're beefing up security at district offices.


Celebrating Public Service Under 'Really Stupid Circumstances'

The Service to America Medals gala was a moving and ironic event.


The 'Nonessential' Label: Cruel and Wrong

It's not just unfair to trivialize certain employees in the shutdown. It's incorrect.

Editor's Note

Government Giveth...

What Uncle Sam provides, he also can take away.


Obama: Federal Employees Will Be Hit Hard by Shutdown

Feds “will be hurt greatly,” president says in urging action to prevent funding crisis.


Washington Navy Yard to Remain Closed Tuesday

Only essential personnel will be allowed into the complex as shooting investigation continues.

Editor's Notebook

No Excuses

How to be effective even under today’s trying conditions.

Pay & Benefits

Obama Issues Plan for 1 Percent Pay Raise Next Year

Move comes in the absence of congressional action on ending the three-year federal pay freeze.