
Federal Employees, You’ve Got Some Explaining to Do

Showing the leaders of the new administration what they can do--and what they can’t--is more important than ever.


Trump on Government: ‘Lean and Mean,’ But With a ‘Big, Fat Beautiful Heart’

GOP nominee says country is “going to hell,” pledges to create effective, responsible honest government.


Trump Team Offers Inside Look at Transition Efforts--For $5,000

Chris Christie to give donors a briefing on plans for the change in administrations.


Donald Trump Has Great Faith in Federal Bureaucrats

The GOP standard-bearer may criticize government, but he’s proposing to rely heavily on the people who work for it to root out waste and inefficiency.

Pay & Benefits

Bill Would Allow Special Pay, Bonuses for Hard-to-Fill Federal Jobs

Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D. introduces measure to provide new flexibilities to attract workers to remote locations.


George Voinovich, the Rare Politician Who Fought for Better Management

Former GOP senator, who died over the weekend, was a steadfast defender of federal employees.