
Feds Could Be Fired at Any Time for Any Reason, Under a Bill That Was Just Reintroduced

The bill also would abolish the Merit Systems Protection Board and threatens to reduce former federal employees’ retirement benefits if they file “frivolous” appeals of adverse personnel actions.


Biden Deploys Thousands to the Border, and Some of the New Assignments Aren't Optional

At least some staff at the departments of Homeland Security and Defense are facing mandatory assignments as an expected migrant surge strains resources.


People Don’t Ask for More Pay when the Company Is ‘Good’

Do job seekers really forego pay to work at companies with social impact, or does that mission prompt self-censoring in negotiation?


The Public Health Emergency Is Ending… And Taking Maximum Telework With It

Courtney Bublé, Eric Katz and Erich Wagner join the podcast to discuss the ways public servants will feel the expiration of the COVID-19 public health emergency.


Federal Retirees Could Be a Great Talent Source, If Only It Were Easier to Bring Them Back  

There are lots of job ready federal retirees out there prepared and willing to return to work for Uncle Sam, but we need to eliminate the biases and disincentives that make it too hard for them to do so. 


Hiring For Skills Vs. Hiring For Education

John W. Mitchell joins the podcast to discuss how to build an organization to attract top talent.


It's Official: No More COVID Vaccine Mandate for Federal Workers and Contractors

The move comes just days before the end of the public health emergency for COVID, and had been expected. 


Debunking the Dunning-Kruger Effect – the Least Skilled People Know How Much They Don’t Know, but Everyone Thinks They Are Better Than Average

The idea that the least skilled are the most unaware of their incompetency is pervasive in science and pop culture. But a new analysis of the data shows that the Dunning-Kruger effect may not be true.


There Are Many Threats to 'the Future of the Public Service Itself'

Donald F. Kettl joins the podcast to discuss the future of the civil service.


FEMA Is Losing Employees at an Alarming Rate

Burnout is leading to attrition as disasters spike, but watchdog also blames agency for poor workforce management.


What Do We Know About Long COVID?

Researchers dig into what they've learned after a year of studying long COVID—as well as what they don't know about the condition.


Celebrating 'Unbelievable Things Happening' in Public Service

Max Stier joins the podcast to discuss the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medals and Public Service Recognition Week.


OPM Highlights Mental Health Resources for Feds

The federal government is setting up a new listserv to provide federal employees with mental health information, events and tools to boost mindfulness.


Combating Threats to Employees in Digital Spaces

COMMENTARY | User activity monitoring and behavior analytics can beef up cybersecurity training and help protect the agency from internal and external risk.


A Lot of Managers Don't Like Working With Gen Z's Stacie Haller joins the podcast to discuss a new survey about managing across generations.


More USPS Employees Are Quitting and Workers Are Protesting Understaffing

Postal management has stressed better working conditions for employees, but one protester says, "People are better to their dogs."


Respectful Persuasion Is a Relay Race, not a Solo Sprint – 3 Keys to Putting It in Practice

Immanuel Kant’s ideas about respect are still important today, in a world where social media and echo chambers make manipulation easy.


Are Feds in and Around D.C. Going to Have to Go Into Offices Soon?

GovExec Daily staff discusses the end of "maximum telework" in federal agency offices.


Time Of Day May Affect COVID Vaccine Effectiveness

Time of day may be important for how effective the COVID-19 vaccine is. A new study suggests middle of the day may be be best.