
Merit Board: Agencies Must Tell Employees to Pick One Place to File Personnel Action Appeals, and Stick With It

An Air Force civilian worker was never informed that she could not both file a union grievance and have the Merit Systems Protection Board hear her case.


The Feds are Getting More Accurate Processing Timelines for Clearances

Lindy Kyzer joins the podcast to discuss the new status quo in the clearance process.


House Republicans to Biden: Outsource More Federal Jobs

Lawmakers say the administration is failing to provide data on which government positions can be performed by the private sector.


The 'New Normal' of Morale at Agencies

GovExec Daily staff looks at the first release of Best Places to Work data.


Union Warns Social Security Service Will Spiral Without Major Changes

More than half of surveyed Social Security Administration employees reported that they are considering leaving the agency and have begun looking for new jobs due to burnout.


IRS Strategic Plan Vows to Amp Up Audits of the Rich

With $80 billion in new funding, the previously gutted agency pledged to renew its pursuit of wealthy tax dodgers and address a number of problems that ProPublica has been reporting on in recent years.


AFGE and VA Reach a Tentative Deal on a New Contract

The agreement comes just weeks after an arbitrator found that the Veterans Affairs Department engaged in bad faith bargaining with the federal employee union.


IRS to Hire 30,000 Employees Over the Next Two Years

Biden administration lays out the full spending plan for its new $80 billion cash infusion.


Job Programs Help Communities During Tight Labor Markets

Katherine S. Newman and Elisabeth S. Jacobs join the podcast to discuss their new book.


Union Accuses Defense Management of Imposing an Illegal Contract

Officials with the American Federation of Government Employees said the Defense Department unilaterally imposed a new contract on employees at an Illinois facility after refusing to bargain over issues made negotiable by a Biden executive order.


Fixing Veterans' Preference Can Fix Federal Hiring

Angela Bailey and Jeffrey Neal join the podcast to discuss personnel modernization.


The Federal Government Can Expand Opportunities for Veterans and Simplify Hiring, Too

A less complex hiring process that puts merit front and center would eliminate the need for most of the 102 or more hiring authorities currently in place.


OPM Supports Transgender Feds in New Guidance

On International Transgender Day of Visibility, the federal government’s HR agency tasked agencies with updating their policies to ensure they are inclusive toward gender non-conforming employees.


Federal Asylum Officers Blast New Biden Rule as Contrary to Legal, Moral Obligations

Management has told employees they understand the concerns, but employees will either have to comply or quit.


Union to Defense Chief: You Aren't Using Your Own Employees Enough to Help Meet Global Threats

AFGE called on the Biden administration and Congress to align the Federal Wage System’s locality pay map with that of the General Schedule and advance legislation to improve Defense Department civilian police pay.


Infant Formula Crisis Could Recur, Former FDA Official Tells Congress

While the Food and Drug Administration has made some changes, infant formula manufacturers are not required to notify the agency if they detect certain types of bacteria at their facilities.


Hiring With Temporary Cash Infusions Won't Force Future Layoffs, Agency Leaders Say

As agencies look to grow their workforces, House Republicans warn they will not be able to support the increased staffing levels in the future.


Not Even the Best Places to Work in Government Were Immune to Federal Employee Morale Decline Last Year

The Partnership for Public Service on Wednesday released the first batch of rankings from its annual analysis of the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey.


Improved Fertility Coverage from FEHB Plans Is Coming

Kevin Moss joins the podcast to discuss what's in the recent Office of Personnel Management annual carrier call letter.