
Postal Police Won a Grievance, but They're Unlikely to Patrol

An arbitrator overturned a 2020 memo that confined the postal police force to acting solely as building security guards.


Cutting Civilian Defense Jobs Won't Eliminate the Real Waste at the Pentagon, Union Says

If lawmakers want to find savings at the Pentagon, they should start with underperforming weapons systems and service contracts, AFGE officials said.


The Workforce Is Constantly Changing and HR Is, Too

Chief Human Capital Officers Jessica Palatka and Erin Moore join the podcast to discuss the changing nature of their jobs.


What Are The Pros And Cons Of Digital Workers?

Digital employees can work 24/7 and don't ever ask for a raise. But should companies be jumping into the AI revolution now?


The Generational Shift Needs to Happen in the Federal Workforce

Anthony Fauci and Max Stier join the podcast to discuss hiring more young people into public service.


Agencies Would Have to Think Harder Before Relocating, Under a New Bill

The legislation comes after a watchdog agency concluded hastily conducted relocations during the Trump administration caused staff exoduses and harmed agencies’ service delivery.


Here's How Career Feds Can Avoid Getting Tripped Up by Congressional Investigations

Experts offer tips for civil servants to prevent themselves from becoming collateral damage in battles between the legislative and executive branches.


OPM Launches a New Web Portal for Federal Internships

The federal government’s HR agency describes the new section of USAJOBS as a “one-stop shop” for students seeking to explore a career in public service.


Biden Administration Releases First-Ever Report on Diversity in Federal Government

The report reflects marginal gains in representation for women and some communities of color.


Modernizing the Civil Service isn't Exciting, but It Is Important

Jeffrey Neal joins the podcast to discuss bringing the federal workforce into the 21st century.


Report: Pentagon Personnel Use Unauthorized, Unsafe Apps on Work Devices

The Defense Department’s inspector general found that unsanctioned apps downloaded onto government-issued mobile devices “could pose operational and cybersecurity risks to DOD information and information systems.”


Are Pensions the Answer to the Public-Sector Worker Shortage?

Research shows that pension benefits overwhelmingly help attract skilled workers, especially millennials.


Lawmakers Are Doubling Down on the Effort to Prevent the Next Schedule F

The latest legislative proposal to block presidents from unilaterally stripping federal workers of their civil service protections creates additional barriers to reclassifying employees.


The Nation’s Largest Federal Employee Union Celebrates Recent Wins, and Braces for Fights Ahead

American Federation of Government Employees National President Everett Kelley says the union is prepared to defend against Republican attacks on official time and other labor policies.


Public Servants Want to Be Paid Well… And Valued

Gordon Abner joins the podcast to discuss the things that keep federal employees in their jobs.


Labor Authority Denies Union Request to Block Outside Groups from Seeking Policy Statements

The National Treasury Employees Union had sought to bar organizations that do not represent federal workers from asking the Federal Labor Relations Authority to change their policies.


Want to Modernize? Make Sure You Hire People With Digital Skills

Cisco's Jeff Campbell joins the podcast to discuss the skills shortage holding back industry and government.


VA Centers Talent Recruitment and Remote Work in Its Operations Revamp 

The agency’s chief people officer described efforts to attract high-skilled workers affected by layoffs across the tech sector and expand telework opportunities to modernize tech-centric operations.


She Grew up under Water Boil Advisories in Jackson. Now She’s Bringing Environmental Justice to the EPA.

In her community outreach role for the EPA, Rosemary Enobakhare is working to prioritize communities in need while “shining a light” on issues affecting them most.


In Speech, Biden Says The U.S. is 'Unbowed and Unbroken'

Courtney Bublé and Tom Shoop join the podcast to discuss the State of the Union address and if government works..