
The Justice Dept.’s Workplace Safety Plan Details COVID-19 Testing Protocols

The plan’s language encouraging a “broader” application of telework disappointed career prosecutors, who had hoped for a firm baseline of two days per week of working remotely after the COVID-19 pandemic.


Part of Biden’s $15 Contractor Minimum Wage Order Was Temporarily Halted

“This ruling helps more than 40,000 companies like Arkansas Valley Adventures who provide seasonal recreational services on federal lands,” said an attorney for the plaintiffs.


Tell Us How the Pandemic Has Changed Your Job and Life

We’re looking for readers who want to share with us their experiences two years into the pandemic.


Why This Federal Agency Is a Breeding Ground for Celebrities

One huge entity has served as a launching pad for the careers of a lot of famous people. 


GovExec Daily: DHS is in Los Angeles For the Super Bowl

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss how the Homeland Security Department is partnering with local law enforcement.


Nine Federal Agencies Had Almost All of Their Employees Teleworking During COVID-19

A new watchdog report looks at how 24 federal agencies balanced in-person and offsite work during the pandemic.


Ready for Another Pandemic Malady? It’s Called ‘Decision Fatigue’

Pandemic living has come with a barrage of daily choices that have many of us complaining of a sort of brain freeze. That exhaustion is real, and it’s got a name: “decision fatigue.”


GovExec Daily: Is the Justice Department Following the Spirit of the Diversity Executive Order?

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss the diversity officer job ad facing criticism because it lists salary history.


White House Task Force: Agencies Need to Do More to Support Unionization in the Federal Workforce

A task force chaired by Vice President Kamala Harris and Labor Secretary Marty Walsh said that as a “model employer,” the federal government should be at the forefront of removing barriers for employees to organize or join a union.


5 Strategies Employers Can Use to Address Workplace Mental Health Issues

Two years of pandemic have put a severe strain on the mental health of America’s workers. Employers with a plan in place will be best equipped to help them cope.


The Justice Dept.’s Diversity Officer Job Listing Requires a Salary History, Despite a Mandate Discouraging the Practice

Asking job candidates about their salary histories has been shown to lead to pay disparities across genders and ethnicities, and President Biden has tasked the Office of Personnel Management with finding a way to ban its use at federal agencies.


GovExec Daily: What Happens Without an MSPB Quorum

Employment attorney John P. Mahoney joins the podcast to discuss the vacancies at the Merit Systems Protection Board.


These Tips Will Help Federal Managers and Employees Navigate the New Hybrid Work Environment

The government’s HR agency said it’s up to everyone to work together to foster effective performance management, particularly when there is a mix of on-site and teleworking feds.


It Will Cost Up to $5 Million a Week to Test Unvaccinated Feds While Biden's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Is Paused

The estimate comes as part of information the Biden administration provided the court in Texas that handed down the injunction.


Coronavirus Roundup: The NIH Releases a New Pandemic Preparedness Plan 

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s today’s list of news updates and stories you may have missed.