
GovExec Daily: The Patent and Trademark Office's Approach to Hybrid Work

PTO's Telework Program Office Director Danette Campbell spoke to GovExec about the successes of her agency's telework approach.


OPM Wants to See More Telework, Remote Work and ‘Maxiflex’ Schedules Post-COVID

Guidance published late last week promotes telework and other flexibilities as retention and recruitment tools.


Back to Work? Here's How to Help Your Dog Cope

Millions of people returning to the workplace means millions of dogs left home alone. "This is something that's a big deal for a dog..."


Unions Call on Biden to Name New Labor Board Appointees

More than six months into his administration, President Biden has yet to nominate a second Democrat to the Federal Labor Relations Authority, while the Federal Service Impasses Panel sits vacant.


Young Workers Want Good Communication, Not Perks

New research suggests young workers, those ages 21-34, want respectful communication at work, not perks and "fun."


GovExec Daily: The Culture Wars, Return to Offices and Management

Kearney's Leslie Parker joins the podcast to discuss how to navigate information about COVID-19 in the workplace.


Why Women Need Male Allies in the Workplace – and Why Fighting Everyday Sexism Enriches Men Too

While women felt more included when they perceived male colleagues as allies, men who saw themselves that way reported more personal growth as a result.


House Panel Advances Bill to Undo Trump Order on Administrative Law Judges

A bill working its way through Congress would restore the judges to the competitive civil service three years after the Trump administration gave agencies greater leeway in hiring decisions.


AFGE, VA Reach Settlement to 'Reset' Labor Relations

The Veterans Affairs Department has agreed to reverse actions taken to crack down on unions during the Trump administration, including compensating union officials for leave they took in the absence of official time and reimbursing the union for past office space and equipment rentals.


GovExec Daily: The Latest Paid Leave Update

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss the plan's advancement out of committee.


Coronavirus Roundup: Biden Administration Hits Six-Month Mark

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s today’s list of news updates and stories you may have missed.


GovExec Daily: OPM's Role in This Stage of the Pandemic

Katherine McIntire Peters talks to Office of Personnel Management's Rob Shriver about the future of the civil service.


IRS Funding Surge Punted From Bipartisan Infrastructure Package

Democrats still plan to fund major hiring boost for the tax agency in another measure.


63% of Workers Who File an EEOC Discrimination Complaint Lose Their Jobs

Workers who filed complaints faced retaliation and rarely got a favorable result from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.


GovExec Daily: The Complications of Raising the Minimum Contractor Wage

GovExec contributor Stan Soloway joins the podcast discuss the the Biden Executive Order.


Biden Targets Noncompete Agreements, Which Restrict the Job Opportunities of Millions of Low-Wage Workers

The president is asking the Federal Trade Commission to ban or limit their use as part of an executive order promoting competition.


GovExec Daily: Federal In-Person Office Policies and the 'Honor System'

Federal employment attorney Stephanie Rapp-Tully joins the show to discuss vaccination proof and agency's – and feds' – risks.


House Spending Bill Pushes Social Security to Reverse Trump-era Workforce Changes

Language accompanying the bill orders a report by the end of 2021 on telework, and urges the agency to reverse actions that undercut the independence of administrative law judges.