Thrift Savings Plan

Most TSP funds gained ground in February

Only one of the portfolios in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program ended last month in the red.

Did you know this about the TSP?

Learn a little more about the government’s 401(k)-style retirement plan.

TSP and Required Minimum Distributions

Rules around these mandatory withdrawals changed under the Secure 2.0 Act.

Federal retirement savings plan opens 2024 with a mixed bag

Only two of the five core funds within the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings plan posted gains last month.

Election years and the TSP

COMMENTARY | Investing during election years is an exercise in not letting your emotions drive your decisions, says one financial advisor.

TSP portfolios end 2023 on a high note

Each of the funds in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program finished December in the black.

TSP and the magic of compound interest

A few things to consider when deciding if you should contribute to the Thrift Savings Plan.

TSP portfolios rebounded in November

After three straight months where nearly every fund in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program lost value, all funds finished last month in the black.

TSP board OKs new international fund index, this time without China

A previous effort to move the I Fund to a broader benchmark index, which included investments in Chinese corporations, met opposition from the Trump administration and Republican lawmakers.

TSP funds’ tumble continues into October

Once again, only one portfolio in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program finished last month in the black.

TSP: SECURE 2.0 Act contribution limit changes coming in 2026

The federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program will use the entire two-year “transition period” to implement new rules governing how older workers can make catch-up contributions as they approach retirement.

World Investor Week: Learn more and protect yourself

The global campaign promoted by the International Organization of Securities Commissions aims to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection.

TSP funds continued to fall in September

For the second straight month, the vast majority of the portfolios in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program declined in value.

Most TSP portfolios stumbled in August

The only fund in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program that finished last month in the black was the G Fund, which increases at a statutorily mandated rate each month.

IRS announces two-year delay to TSP catch-up contribution changes

New rules requiring high-income 401(k) participants to make catch-up contributions only to Roth accounts will not take effect until 2026.

TSP contribution limits will increase again next year, consultants predict

This would mark the third straight year that the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings plan and similar private sector programs see a boost in their annual contribution limits.

Do you know what your TSP is for?

When you were first hired, your retirement benefit may have been described to you as a three-legged stool: pension, Social Security, and TSP savings. One financial planner advises feds not to shortchange the last leg.