How Well Do You Understand Current Cyber Threats?

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All questions must be answered before you can continue.

1. Hacks of the Office of Personnel Management and Ashley Madison led some to call 2015 the Year of Collateral Damage for what reason?

2. Which of the following is NOT a factor impacting current cyber threats?

3. True or False: Hackers are showing an increased interest in attacks and exploits against non-Windows operating systems, such as Mac OS and Android.

4. According to a February 2016 survey of business and IT executives commissioned by HPE and FireEye, what was the number one concern related to cybersecurity?

5. True or False: Malware focused on generating revenue from sources such as ATM’s, banks and ‘ransomware’ has been on the decline.

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All questions must be answered before you can continue.

6. Enterprise IT security managers are beginning to shift focus away from breach prevention and toward breach detection and response. What is the primary reason for the switch?

7. True or False: In the past couple of years, software vendors have accelerated their pace of releasing patches and remediating vulnerabilities.

8. When companies sell software exploits to governments and law enforcement agencies around the world, this is known as the:

9. Enterprise hackers tend to follow a typical ‘attack lifecycle’ that can last weeks or months. What is the order of events in the lifecycle?

10. According to research by Mandiant in 2015, the median number of days attackers spent inside networks before being detected is: