
Should Jeff Sessions Recuse Himself From the Russia Inquiries?

Justice Department regulations appear to suggest the attorney general should not be involved in any investigations into Trump associates’ ties to Russia.


What Is the Logan Act and What Does It Have to Do With Flynn?

An obscure federal law is attracting attention amid controversy over the former National Security Adviser’s contacts with Russia.


New Nuclear Delivery Platforms Will Likely Cost More than Planned. Here’s Why.

The Pentagon hasn’t purchased nuclear bombers, missiles, and subs in decades, so it’s tough to predict how much new ones will cost.


Did Michael Flynn Tell the FBI the Truth?

The former national security adviser learns the hard way: It’s always the cover-up that gets you.


Did Trump Aides Speak With Russian Intelligence Before the Election?

According to The New York Times, the FBI found that several associates of the president had been in contact with Kremlin intelligence officials, despite months of official denials.


Flynn's Calls With Russia's Ambassador: Who Knew What, and When?

A timeline of the events that led to the national-security adviser’s resignation


Flynn Resigns As National Security Adviser

The retired general acknowledged he had misled Vice President Mike Pence about his conversations with the Russian ambassador


Pentagon’s Audit Readiness Still a Work in Progress

GAO finds all the services provided iffy financial data to outside auditors.


Donald Trump Used His Club’s Restaurant as a Situation Room This Weekend

After North Korea launched a ballistic missile, Trump strategized in front of dozens of diners at Mar-a-Lago.


VOA Serves New Russian-Language Fare to Counter Putin Info Diet

Current Time TV network taps cross-continental staff in Washington and Prague.


An Unintended Side Effect of Trump's Border Wall

Since the Great Recession, more Mexicans have left the United States than migrated there. Constructing a barrier along the southern border may discourage more from going.


The Future of Deportations Under Trump

The administration's new policies expand who is eligible for deportation, and an Arizona mother who has lived in the country for 21 years may be its first example.


For the U.S. Army, 'Cyber War' Is Quickly Becoming Just 'War'

Combat brigades will soon head into firefights with cyber specialists…and possibly IT lawyers.


Afghanistan Needs ‘Thousands’ More Troops, U.S. General Says in New Assessment

The commander of U.S. forces lays the first major war decision on President Donald Trump’s desk.


Trump's Attack on the Legitimacy of Critiquing Military Operations

The president took to Twitter to argue that publicly discussing the success or failure of a mission “only emboldens the enemy.”


Former NSA Contractor Indicted for Stealing Classified Files

Grand jury accepts Justice Department allegations against Harold Martin.


Donald Trump and China’s President Finally Broke the Ice — By Snail Mail

In his letter to Xi, Trump wished the Chinese people a "happy Lantern Festival," though the Lunar New Year holiday period ended last week in China.


What Are U.S. Forces Doing in Yemen in the First Place?

Last week’s raid was an embarrassing and costly failure—in the context of a much larger one.