
The Future Depends on Fixing Readiness Now, Vice Chiefs Tell Lawmakers

Service leaders’ annual pilgrimage to Capitol Hill also serves as Phase One of Mattis’ long-range plan.


President Trump Is Not Responsible for the Failed Raid in Yemen

America cannot punish its elected officials for allowing its military, diplomatic corps, and intelligence services to take risks necessary to pursue its interests.


Some DHS Employees Are Suspicious of ‘Extreme Vetting’

The Department of Homeland Security has 30 days to figure out what "extreme vetting" means. Some DHS officials and counterterrorism experts find the concept dubious.


Pentagon Watchdog Clears CENTCOM Intel Officers of ‘Cooking the Books’

Analysts charged that Central Command intelligence officers had falsified reports related to efforts to counter the Islamic State.


Are Trump's Generals Mounting a Defense of Democratic Institutions?

Progressives were worried about the heavy concentration of retired brass in the new administration, but James Mattis and John Kelly could prove to be the most effective checks on the president.


What Trump's Reshuffling of the National Security Council Means

The president made significant changes to the council’s most influential committees, but the real concern is whether he will incorporate it into his decision-making process at all.


What Trump's Executive Order on Immigration Does—and Doesn't Do

The order has caused chaos; White House statements haven’t clarified what’s going on.


The Price of an F-35 Was Already Falling. Can Trump Drive it Lower?

Analyzing the changing cost of the JSF since the first production orders were placed in 2007.


Border Officers: Real Security is More Complicated Than Building a Wall

Trump’s order notwithstanding, it would take years and new technology to truly close the border.


Can Trump Bring Back Torture?

It will take more than the executive branch to revive the practice.


Trump Blames his Rift With the CIA on the Media

In his first speech after the inauguration Trump tried to patch things up with the FBI and CIA.


U.S. Soldiers Will Be Armed With Machine Translators to Kill Communication Woes

Communication is critical in most professions, but in some, clear verbal exchanges can mean the difference between life and death.


DOD Cyber Policy Chief: We’ve Deterred Destructive Cyberattacks

Departing DOD cyber policy chief Aaron Hughes talks cyber deterrence, offense and hiring in an exit interview with Nextgov.


Russian Hackers Will Try ‘Again and Again,’ Warns Samantha Power

In her parting speech, Obama’s UN ambassador says it is ‘naive’ to think Russia won’t keep meddling to destabilize the West.