
Pentagon Fires Back At Critics of 'Police Militarization' Program

Defense Spokesman John Kirby told reporters that the 1033 program was not "some program run amok."


Key Targeting Tech for Future U.S. Nuclear Missile Has Gone Unfunded

The move may delay Minuteman 3 replacement effort or fail to meet warfighter accuracy standards.


Why the National Guard Is Coming to Ferguson

A look at the soldiers being called in to keep the peace.


Listening In: The Navy Is Tracking Ocean Sounds Collected by Scientists

A network of Internet-connected undersea microphones is picking up more than whale songs.


Congressman's Push to Curb Police Militarization Gets Big Boost After Ferguson

Georgia Democrat for months had been shopping around legislation to boost accountability and limit the kind of military equipment that local police departments can acquire.


Autopsy Report Says Michael Brown Shot Twice in the Head

Attorney General Eric Holder has ordered a federal medical examiner to do a separate, independent examination.


CBO: Sequestration Cuts Are Unlikely This Year

The 2014 budget remains sufficient to avoid across-the-board reductions before the fiscal year ends.

Route Fifty

Defense Cuts Come Home to Roost -- In Virginia

The state faces a $2.4 billion shortfall; governor blames sequestration.


Congress Isn't Ending the Pentagon-to-Police Weapons Program Anytime Soon

Some are calling for a legislative response amid the Ferguson firestorm.


Obama: The Situation in Iraq 'Has Greatly Improved'

The president made a statement from Martha's Vineyard Thursday.


Former DARPA Chief Broke Ethics Rules, Watchdog Finds

Regina Dugan, now with Google, recommended her own product at the Pentagon.

Pay & Benefits

How to Win a Furlough Appeal

Tens of thousands of employees challenged their loss of work (and income) during sequestration; a few were successful.


How Money Warps U.S. Foreign Policy

The key divide on America’s role in the world is no longer between Democrats and Republicans. It’s between elites and everyone else.


The Pentagon Gave the Ferguson Police Department Military-Grade Weapons

In 2013, "$449,309,003.71 worth of property was transferred to law enforcement," the Defense Logistics Agency says.


U.S. Deems Iraq Rescue Mission Unlikely As Thousands Escape Mt. Sinjar

An assessment team determined that thousands had already escaped the mountain.


What's in the Boxes of Aid Being Dropped Into Iraq?

The ready-to-eat meals range from Indian dinners to ratatouille.


Obama Considering Boots on the Ground in Iraq

But the troops would not engage in combat, the White House says.