
Report: U.S. to Send 100 More Military Advisers Help Iraq's Yazidis

The military advisers would look at humanitarian relief options for the group, according to a report.

Defense One

How Genes Could Predict Who Will Get PTSD

Can you predict post-traumatic stress disorder before it starts? By Patrick Tucker


An Awkward Party With President Obama Is the Least of Hillary Clinton's Problems

Clinton and Obama will likely see each other this week, when they attend the same Martha's Vineyard birthday party.

Defense One

U.S. Signs 25-Year Military Pact with Australia

Australia will train with U.S. troops based on its northern coast for the better part of the first half of this century. By Ben Watson


ISIL Has Been Bombing Baghdad for Years

The U.S. threatens airstrikes in Baghdad if the militant group endangers personnel, but such attacks in and around the capital aren’t anything new.


2016 Republican Field Offers Obama Advice on Iraq

Contenders with no foreign policy experience go to the mic with suggestions for the president's handling of Middle East crises.

Defense One

The U.S. Needs More Drones

The threat from terrorism is changing in ways that make intelligence collection all the more important. By Paul Scharre


Why ISIL Is Worse Than Any Other Terrorist Group

The Islamic State is an unholy combination of al-Qaeda, the Khmer Rouge, and the Nazis.


Hillary Clinton: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS

The former secretary of state, and probable candidate for president, outlines her foreign-policy doctrine.


The World Will Blame President Obama if Iraq Falls

The White House is under intense pressure to use American force to save the people trapped by terrorists on the mountaintop. And it understands why.


Obama: U.K. and France Will Join U.S. In Delivering Aid to Iraq

The president made a short statement and answered questions on Iraq Saturday morning.

Defense One

U.S. Air Strikes Continue in Iraq

President Obama says the crisis in Iraq will ‘take some time’ to solve, as the military conducts nearly a dozen targeted military strikes against ISIL. By Stephanie Gaskell


Why the Pentagon Announced the U.S. Airstrike in Iraq in a Tweet

These days, the Obama administration is trying to make its own national security announcements before everyone else does.


Congress Divided Over Iraq Strikes

Some on the Hill support the move, others say Obama needs a more comprehensive strategy.


Homeland Security Staff in Border Facilities Getting Sick on the Job

Some employees have contracted scabies, lice and chicken pox at Texas detention centers for children fleeing Central America.

Defense One

Pentagon Says More Strikes Are Possible in Iraq

The Pentagon is prepared for more strikes against ISIL, possibly in Baghdad where the U.S. has many assets. By Stephanie Gaskell


Obama to Iraq: 'America Is Coming to Help'

President Obama addressed the nation on a U.S. humanitarian operation conducted Thursday.

Defense One

Summit Showcases Africa’s Progress and Pitfalls

The U.S.-Africa summit showed that as quickly as Africa’s economies are growing, so too is the terrorist threat. How the continent responds will secure its future. By Molly O’Toole

Defense One

10 Ways to Make the Internet Safe from Cyber Attacks

The guy who invests in startups for the CIA lays out how to avert a massive cyber attack. By Patrick Tucker