
Why Won't Tommy Franks Talk About the Turmoil in Iraq?

Retired general says he is "not interested in self-aggrandizement."

Defense One

With Shrinking Budgets, Pentagon Should Rely More on Guard, Reserve Troops

The Pentagon must think more creatively about how to structure and when to use reserve forces. By Ret. Lt. Gen. David Barno


Bowe Bergdahl Questioned By Army Investigator Today

Sergeant will answer questions about the circumstances of his capture.

Defense One

The Gulf of Tonkin and Lessons for the Global War on Terror

The 50th anniversary of the Gulf of Tonkin incident should give pause to those advocating for aggressive, immediate action to meet today’s challenges. By Lawrence J. Korb

Pay & Benefits

Defense Could Save Millions in Health Care Costs If Congress Would Let It

An outdated—and expensive—Defense health care program duplicates benefits offered elsewhere, but Congress has to change the law to get rid of it.

Defense One

Is Rob Portman the GOP's National Security Dark Horse?

The longtime lawmaker from Ohio has two words for President Obama’s foreign policy record and 2016 candidates: experience counts. By Molly O’Toole

Defense One

Here's the App That's Hunting Down Terrorist Bomb-Makers

A secure photo and data-sharing platform brings Scotland Yard to your phone. By Patrick Tucker


The Administration Is Shifting $405M to Deal With the Border Crisis. Is It Enough?

Money will be taken from other priorities including disaster relief, coast guard maintenance and TSA.


Feinstein Rips Obama on Redacted Torture Report

"I will not rush this process,” the California Democrat said.


It's Official: There Is a New Edward Snowden

The U.S. government has confirmed that there is another leaker of surveillance secrets, according to CNN.


The No-Fly List Has Grown Tenfold Since Obama Took Office

Newly disclosed classified documents reveal an enormous growth in terrorist watch lists during the Obama administration.


Physicians, Heal Yourselves: Why VA Reform Must Come From Inside

The bill Congress passed last week is a good start, but it's not enough to turn the troubled bureaucracy around on its own.


Army Major General Killed in 'Inside' Attack at Afghan Military Academy

This is the highest-ranking member of the American military to die in hostilities surrounding the Afghanistan war.


Who Can Respect a System That Helps the CIA to Behave This Way?

This is exactly the sort of situation that would an encourage a reluctant leaker to step forward.


The Army Will Lay Off 500 Majors This Month

The service will cut more than 40,000 positions in the next four years.


Why Obama Is Saying 'Torture' Matters

On Friday, the president went further than Senate Intelligence in harshly characterizing CIA abuses, making a powerful statement in the process.


Ebola-Stricken Doctor Is Reportedly Improving in America

Brantly is being joined by another American patient who was also infected while helping victims of biggest outbreak on record.


Getting on Military Bases Is About to Involve FBI Background Checks

The continuous screening that starts Friday is a response to the Navy Yard and Fort Hood shootings.