Defense One

The Future of VA Reform Can Be Found in Everything This Week’s Bill Left Out

It’s important to note what the VA reform bill doesn’t accomplish as a blueprint for Congressional action after the August recess. By Alex Nicholson


As the World Burns, Senate Leaves Key Diplomatic Posts Vacant

In Africa alone, where Ebola rages and terrorists regroup, the vacancy rate is 20 percent.


Senate Border Funding Bill Goes Down

Chamber heads home for recess unable to agree on an immigration measure.

Defense One

The Army Is Developing 3D Printers to Make Food

Chow gets a high-tech makeover with futuristic printing technology. By Rick Docksai


Air Force Defends Shielding Nuclear Force from Service Cutbacks

Deborah Lee James said it was necessary to have "full manning in our nuclear positions."


The CDC Just Raised Its Warning Level for U.S. Travel to Three African Countries

Risk of Ebola spreading to the U.S. is small, but officials are taking precautions.


CIA Admits to Improperly Hacking Senate Computers

In a sharp and sudden reversal, the CIA is acknowledging it improperly tapped into the computers of Senate staffers who were reviewing the intelligence agency’s Bush-era torture practices.


Meet the Man Now Responsible for Solving the VA Crisis

Robert McDonald got overwhelming bipartisan support during his Senate confirmation vote Tuesday.


Republicans Condemn Bergdahl Swap

But Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee say the resolution is simply a political move ahead of this week's House vote on suing President Obama.


Benghazi Select Committee to Meet With Victims' Families This Week

"If they have questions that are still out there, I think we want to know what those questions are," ranking Democrat says.

Pay & Benefits

Senate Panel OKs 1 Percent Pay Raise for Troops and Defense Civilians

The House-passed version of the fiscal 2015 Defense spending bill supports a 1.8 percent pay boost for service members.


Russian Officials Continue to Believe All U.S. Intelligence Evidence is 'Fake'

The Kremlin's Defense Ministry doubts the veracity the recently-released US satellite images.


How to Swindle Soldiers

A new report from ProPublica highlights three companies that have made a business out of suing service members.


Millions in Tax Debt Won’t Stop You from Qualifying for a Pentagon Security Clearance

83,000 contractors and feds owing a total of $730 million in unpaid taxes are eligible for clearances at Defense.