
9/11 Commission Alumni Warn of Unfinished Business Combatting Terrorism

10th-anniversary report cites threats from failed states, cyber vulnerability and congressional oversight bureaucracy.


Border Sheriffs Perplexed by Rick Perry's Plan to Send 1,000 Troops to Stare at Mexico

Why would you spend millions of dollars sending troops to the border who can't actually detain anyone? That's what some Texas sheriffs of border towns are asking.


How Spy Agencies Plan to Solve Their Racism Problem

Office of the Director of National Intelligence is promising new programs meant to promote “diversity and tolerance.”


Evaluate Aspiring Cyberwarriors Using Gaming, Not Grades

Former Navy Secretary wonders why federal recruitment focuses on formal education, when computer security positions require on-the-job learning.


Texas Gov. Rick Perry Orders National Guard Troops to Border

Federal agencies have struggled to deal with the crisis, which has been brewing for months.


Obama on Ukraine's Pro-Russia Separatists: 'What Are They Trying to Hide?'

"We have to make sure that the truth is out," the president said.


When Nixon Nailed the SecDef

Or how to undercut your senior leadership team, Nixon style.


John Kerry Makes the U.S. Case Against Russia Over Downed Plane

The Secretary of State made the Obama administration's pitch over the plane crash in Ukraine across TV Sunday morning.


On Campus, Young Veterans Are Learning How to Be Millennials

They spent their early 20s in combat zones. Now they're back in school, struggling to fit in with their peers and figure out the rest of their lives.

Defense One

This Scientist Explains Why Israel's Iron Dome Is Overrated

Want to stay alive in Israel? Forget Iron Dome and check your phone. By Patrick Tucker


Obama Tells Europe to Step Up on Russia

It was clear from the president’s remarks about Ukraine that he now expects greater help from European allies in countering Putin.

Defense One

Obama: No Expanded U.S. Military Role in Ukraine

The Obama administration says the attack on an airliner over Eastern Ukraine should be a ‘wake-up call’ for Europe to do more to protect its national security interests. By Molly O’Toole


Obama: We Know At Least One American Was Killed on Downed Malaysian Flight

The president addressed the plane crash in a Friday morning press conference.


Hillary Clinton's Strange Critique of US Foreign Policy

Is patriotic storytelling really the solution to America's international relations problem?


Congress Fiddles While Border Crisis Grows

Chances of a swift solution to the flood of unaccompanied children across the border seem remote.


Army to Begin Chelsea Manning's Gender Treatment

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has approved the Army's recommendation to keep Manning in military custody.


Here Are the House's Recommendations for the Border Crisis

The House and Senate are now on a collision course.