
Sexual Assault Allegation Surfaces About Nominee for Joint Chiefs Vice Chairman

Cleared by Air Force investigators, Gen. Hyten may yet face questions during his Senate confirmation process.


New Camera Could Help Drones See Through Camouflage

Researchers copied a technique pioneered by creatures like the mantis shrimp.


Pentagon Puts Price Tag of July 4 Pageantry at $1.2 Million

Most of the money for flyovers and tank displays came from training budgets.


Immigration Officials Use Secretive Gang Databases to Deny Migrant Asylum Claims

Legal experts and human rights advocates say they were not told about the databases and question their reliability.


'Nothing Prepares You for the Inhumanity of It:' House Democrats Visit Texas Border Patrol Facilities

At a visit this week, the freshman congresswoman Madeleine Dean of Pennsylvania met weeping women and exchanged notes with detained children.


Brand New Marine One Helicopter To Make Debut at Trump's July 4th Parade

Other aircraft slated to fly over include the B-2 stealth bomber, F-22 Raptor and Air Force One.


U.S. Army Making Synthetic Biology a Priority

New thermal cloaking, insect proof uniforms are on the horizon, if the U.S. can get out in front of China.


Inside the Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group Where Agents Joke About Migrant Deaths and Post Sexist Memes

The three-year-old group, which has roughly 9,500 members, shared derogatory comments about Latina lawmakers who plan to visit a controversial Texas detention facility on Monday, calling them “scum buckets” and “hoes.”


Countries May Begin Backfilling U.S. Troops in Syria Within Weeks, Envoy Says

In an exclusive interview, Amb. Jim Jeffrey also confirmed a breakthrough agreement that could restart the Geneva peace process.


Top Diplomat Slams ‘Endless War’ Cries of Campaign Trail as ‘the Echo of the 1930s’

“I get terribly worried. Because this shows total ignorance of what’s going on in the world today,” Ambassador Jim Jeffrey says.


Pentagon Official: We Didn’t Link Iran to al-Qaeda In Hill Briefings

“In these briefings, none of the officials mentioned al-Qa'ida or the 2001 Authorization to Use Military Force,” DASD Mick Mulroy said.


Lawmaker: Human Problem at Pentagon Worse than Tech Problem

Rep. Jim Cooper says Congress shouldn’t accept a government topped by acting political appointees.


Security Clearance Backlog Drops By Nearly 40%

Attention is shifting to processing times and rolling out continuous evaluation to the entire clearance population.


Democrats Couldn’t Agree on Top National-Security Threats

The candidates’ different answers reflect the Democratic Party’s deeper divisions on foreign policy.


Trump Keeps Talking About the Last Military Standoff With Iran — Here’s What Really Happened

In 2016, 10 sailors were captured by Iran. Trump is making it a political issue. Our investigation shows that it was a Navy failure, and the problems run deep.