
How the Pentagon Nickel-and-Dimed Its Way Into Losing a Drone

The lion’s share of the U.S. drone fleet is easy prey for advanced air defenses. It didn’t have to be that way.


Trump Might Not Want War, but the Military Is Steering His Iran Policy

The buildup in the Middle East is coming at the request of the forces responsible for the region.


USAF to Demo New Airborne Mesh Network for Latin American Militaries

The technology is being showcased at a meeting of regional air chiefs this week.


Elizabeth Warren Urges Pentagon To Provide Stricter Oversight Of Federal Contracting

Warren cited a report that found Pentagon officials do not always consider the safety records of companies when reviewing contracting bids.


House Democrats Want To Kill This More Useable Nuke. They’re Right.

There are no good arguments for the W76-2 warhead, and quite a few good ones against.


The Ambassador From a Government That Doesn't Exist Yet

Carlos Vecchio and the Venezuelan opposition are betting on the Trump administration to help bring Nicolás Maduro’s reign to an end.


Pentagon, Lockheed Martin Failed to Ensure Proper Parts for F-35

Watchdog questions adherence to contracts and performance incentives for Defense’s largest buy.


Shanahan Out; Army Secretary Esper to Be Acting Secretary of Defense

Trump tweets the news after reports that the FBI was looking into a violent domestic dispute from nine years ago.


Boeing Tankers Still Have Debris; Fix is ‘Months, Maybe Longer’ Away

But the Air Force is once again accepting aircraft so that new inspection processes can be brought to bear, acquisition chief Roper says.


Climate’s Role In Armed Conflict Will Likely Increase

As global temperatures climb, the risk of armed conflict is expected to increase substantially, experts say.


U.S. Blames Tanker Attacks On Iran; CENTCOM Releases Surveillance Video

Military officials say imagery shows Iranians in boats at the tankers, handling a mine and trying to capture crew members.


These Are the U.S. Military Bases Most Threatened by Climate Change

The belated lists arrived just ahead of a GAO report that says the Pentagon is failing to use climate projections in planning.


The Defense Department Is Worried About Climate Change – And Also a Huge Carbon Emitter

Many current and former U.S. military leaders call climate change a serious national security threat, but few of them mention the Defense Department's big carbon footprint.


Acting Defense Chief Reminds Rank and File to Steer Clear of Politics

Following recent controversies, Patrick Shanahan cites the Hatch Act and a department directive prohibiting certain partisan activities.


U.S. Intelligence Officials and Satellite Photos Detail Russian Military Buildup on Crimea

Five S-400 anti-aircraft missile batteries, plus additional troops and fighters, let Moscow better defend the Black Sea and threaten Europe and the Middle East.


Trump Sides With North Korea Against the CIA

The president responded to reports that Kim Jong Un’s brother had been an American asset by reassuring the strongman he would not allow such spying in the future.


U.S. to Send 1,000 More Troops to Poland

Last fall, Warsaw asked for a tank division; White House officials are hinting at a “significant” increase.


‘Space Force’ Shrinks in House Proposal

A bipartisan amendment would trim several generals from the new space-focused component.


Pentagon Gives Turkey a Deadline to Cancel S-400 Deal or Lose F-35

By July 31, says the ASecDef, Ankara must choose between the Russian S-400 or the U.S.-led JSF.