
Analysis: Presidents Need to Visit the Troops

It’s how commanders in chief show soldiers they’re not forgotten.


White House Seeks Alternatives to Independent Space Force

Pentagon leaders were dutifully double-timing toward a new military branch. Then they got new marching orders.


The Air Force Is Redrawing Its Pacific-War Playbook for China

New Pacific Air Forces chief wants deeper cooperation with allied militaries — and better drills for when comms go down.


Pentagon's First Departmentwide Audit Is a Major Milestone

For an entity that traces its roots to 1789 and whose books have long been impenetrable to armies of auditors, even a failing grade is cause for positive recognition.


As Trump Mulls Firing The Head Of DHS, The Agency’s Second Top Role Is Already Empty

The Homeland Security deputy secretary job is one of dozens Trump still has to fill.


Trump to Stick with Saudi Arabia in Spite of Khashoggi Killing

The president reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to Riyadh — and said the crown prince may have known of plans to murder the U.S.-based journalist.


This Inventor May Have Cured Motion Sickness Without Drugs. And That Could Mean a Lot to the US Military

One manufacturer of virtual-reality trainers has already begun including the devices in its simulators.


Space Force Actually May Be a Bargain, New Cost Estimate Says

“At this point it may be a coin toss whether or not this makes it through,” says Todd Harrison.


Senior Defense Officials Offer Dueling Pricetags for Space Force

Hours after the Pentagon’s No. 2 floated a sub-$5 billion figure, the Air Force secretary stood by her $13-billion estimate.


Pentagon Began Clampdown on Senior Leaders’ Public Speaking Months Ago, Memos Reveal

DOD says it’s to save money and time. Critics say it’s to avoid conflict with the president.


‘Redo’ Nuclear Posture Review, Says Next House Armed Services Chair

Rep. Adam Smith laid out new terms for a debate over the Pentagon’s plans to expand the military’s nuclear arsenal.


Latest Count of 'Revolving Door' Defense Contractors Names Names

Advocacy group blasts ethics law "loopholes" that allow agency alums to lobby.


Supersonic Bizjets May Attract Pentagon Interest

Three teams are pursuing latter-day SSTs. The U.S. military might have use for them.


An American Citizen Tried to Join ISIS. Does That Make Him an ‘Enemy Combatant’?

The U.S. military quietly released “John Doe” last week after holding him in detention in Iraq for 13 months, with no charges.


U.S.-Backed Forces in Iraq, Syria May Face Challenges for Years

Latest report by three inspectors general details weakness in anti-ISIS effort.


Northrop Grumman Pays $27.5 Million Under False Claims Act

Contractor admits inflated billing on Air Force battlefield communications contracts.


Trump Sparks Outrage with Claims That Rocks Should Be Treated As Firearms

But there is precedent for firing on rock-throwers on the border. CBP agents have done so on numerous occasions.


Another Grim War-Zone Review from U.S. Afghanistan Watchdog

Kabul government’s control over territory diminishes further as civilian casualties rise.


The Pentagon, Soldiers And Taxpayers Will Pay For Trump’s Border-Troops Order

The Department of Defense is scrambling to figure out where 15,000 soldiers would come from