
The U.S. Military Held an American as an Enemy Combatant for Over a Year. Here’s What That Means.

The case could have upended the entire war on ISIS. Instead, it’s changing how we treat some detainees.


Intel Community Promises Security Clearance Standards Within the Year

Sen. Warner criticizes OMB and Homeland Security for a lack of urgency in pushing reforms.


After Laser Attacks, Pentagon Spending $200M to Protect Pilots’ Eyeballs

The contracts came just months after the U.S. accused China of trying to blind military pilots in Africa and the Pacific.


Fiscal 2019 Could Be 'High-Water Mark' of Defense Spending

Pentagon comptroller tells contractors group his staff is adjusting to a funding boost delivered on time.


How U.S. Law Enforcement Tracked Down Cesar Sayoc Jr. So Quickly

A package to Maxine Waters was the key, officials say, yielding a fingerprint and DNA.


Will Trump Really Cut Defense Spending by 5%? It’s Way Too Early To Say

The Pentagon’s No. 2 confirms that the president’s surprise order will affect the military, but experts say there may ultimately be no decline at all.


Trump Wants Troops To Defend U.S. Borders. His Staff Wants Another Solution.

A senior administration official told reporters that the only way to stop immigrants is by changing the law.


Funding Battle Leaves Afghan Translators in Limbo

They risked their lives to support U.S. troops, but congressional budget maneuvers may leave them out in the cold.


If the Pipe-Bomb Mailings Weren't Terrorism, What Is?

There is no consensus—in academia, law, or common usage—on when an attack is more than just a crime.


Would a Space Force Mean The End of NASA?

The United States already has a space agency: NASA. So why do we need a Space Force, and what would it do? Could a Space Force strain diplomatic relationships, reigniting the race to militarize space?


U.S. Terror Attacks Are Increasingly Motivated By Right-Wing Views

Suspicious packages were found near the offices of prominent Democrats today, including Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.


Pentagon Officials Debating How Fast to Launch Space Force, Deputy Says

White House panel announces formal recommendations, while Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan confirms NRO will remain apart from Space Force.


Navy’s Top Officer Faulted for Slow Response to Sexual Harassment at ‘Bad Santa’ Party

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson waited months to reassign a press officer accused of misconduct.


Here’s The Pentagon’s Initial Plan For Creating a Space Force

Parts of the Air Force, Navy and Army would move into a sixth branch, but the NRO will likely remain independent.


Mattis Asks Trump to OK Space Command, Pick Leaders

The Pentagon has made a number of internal moves to create the 11th combatant command.


Mike Pompeo’s Worldview? Do As Trump Does.

Pompeo has responded to the Khashoggi affair in lockstep with Trump.


U.S. Military Leaders Keep Quiet on Saudi Arabia Amid Khashoggi Outrage

The Pentagon has long accepted Saudi abuses as the price of friendship. The latest won’t change that.


China’s Moon Missions Could Threaten U.S. Satellites: Pentagon

A satellite on the far side of the moon might not be quite what the Chinese say, Air Force official warns.


One Of The Few Men Convicted Over The Sept. 11 Attacks Is Free

El-Motassadeq remains one of the only men to have faced prison because of the attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001.