
Analysis: An Admiral Speaks Out

An op-ed criticizing the president from the man responsible for the raid that killed Osama Bin Laden represents a startling intervention by a studiously non-political figure.


Analysis: Trump’s Risky War of Choice Against the Generals

The president’s decision to revoke John Brennan’s security clearance has drawn fire even from figures like Robert Gates and David Petraeus, who have avoided criticizing him.


Pentagon Spending $34M to Make Presidential Jets More Posh

The Air Force is upgrading the interiors of two smaller VIP aircraft to resemble the presidential cabin of Trump’s main Air Force One jets.


Why the FBI Fired an Agent Who Wrote Anti-Trump Texts

The FBI’s disciplinary office had recommended Peter Strzok be suspended for two months but was overruled by the bureau’s deputy director.


Latest Plan for Trump Parade Reportedly Includes Tanks, Despite Congressional Prohibition

The defense authorization bill signed by President Trump on Monday blocks use of “motorized units” for November event.


The Families Trump Separated And Deported Will Likely Try To Come Back To The U.S.

"There is no question that family separation was the most traumatic experience [migrants] went through, but it wouldn't be a deterrent."


A Night Enforcing Immigration Laws On The U.S.-Mexico Border

In Texas' Lower Rio Grande Valley, Border Patrol agents must ignore blistering heat and 25 mile-an-hour winds. Their job is simple: Catch terrorists, people without papers or those carrying drugs.


Defense Inspector General to Investigate Military’s Toxic Open Burning

The inquiry will evaluate whether the polluting practice is legal, and whether contractors have proper oversight.


Hackers Find Scores of Vulnerabilities in Marine Corps Websites

The Pentagon’s latest bug-bounty contest continues a successful run of hack-the-military efforts.


Russian Military Spy Software Is on Hundreds of Thousands of Home Routers

In May, the Justice Department told Americans to reboot their routers. But there's more to do — and NSA says it's up to device makers and the public.


Trump’s Secret War on Terror

Drone strikes continue and spread—away from public scrutiny or congressional oversight.


NSA Director: The Agency 'Sells Itself' to Potential Recruits

Nakasone tells industry group of 92 percent retention rate, need for diversity.


Pence Makes Hard Sell For Trump's Space Force by 2020

The administration wants a new military service branch, but space mission's future in the Pentagon and Congress is far from certain.


Defense Agencies Continue Awarding Contracts to Suspended Firms, Report Finds

A 1981 law allows federal officials to override the firms’ suspensions for such misconduct as fraud, bribery and theft.


Flaw in Some Satellite Communication Terminals Can Expose U.S. Troops’ Location

Vulnerabilities in certain brands of communications terminals can be used to access GPS data on forward-deployed troops.


The Future Airman is a Hacker

Air Force recruiters will prize computer skills more highly, while the service will encourage airmen to experiment with their own solutions


5 Unanswered Questions About Space Force

As Pentagon leaders plan changes to the U.S. military’s orbital-operations organizations, analysts wonder whether they have done all their homework.


How ICE Became Government's Most Controversial Agency

A long-running inferiority complex, vast statutory power, a chilling new directive from the top—inside America’s unfolding immigration tragedy.


FBI Brought Down Foreign Agents In The Past

An American pilot. A German aide on Capitol Hill. In the first and second world wars, the FBI effectively uprooted foreign influence campaigns. Today, the agency faces an uphill battle


Cargo Bases in Space: Air Force General Wants Them Within a Decade

The service’s mobility chief is already talking with SpaceX and other companies about the possibilities of orbiting supply dumps.