
Opposition to a Space Force Simmers in the Senate

But Republicans who oppose the president’s push appear largely content to hold their fire until next year.


Pentagon Delays Space Force Report

The day after Defense One published details from an 11th-hour draft of the much-anticipated report, the Pentagon has delayed its release.


Pentagon To Start Creating Space Force — Even Before Congress Approves It

Within months, Defense will start standing up a new combatant command, a new space-procurement agency, and a new Space Operations Force.


Donald Trump Is Falling in Love With Summits

In offering to meet with Iran’s leader, the president sticks to what’s becoming a familiar pattern.


Mattis: No Pentagon Policy Changes Since Trump-Putin Helsinki Summit

The defense secretary also said that his department’s policies on Iran remain the same despite tougher Trump administration rhetoric.


National Intel Office Restructures to Improve Operations

The ODNI stood up four new directorates to better develop the workforce and integrate intelligence, and improve decision-making.


The Meaning of North Korea’s Remains Transfer

The Korean War never officially ended. But its participants are now chipping away at the last sources of hostility.


The White House Quietly Corrects Its Putin Transcript

After more than a week of questions, the presidential record reflects that Putin admitted to wanting Trump to win.


Analysis: Pulling Security Clearances Is Just the Start

Another norm falls victim to Trump as he turns the power of government against his critics


Trump’s Space Force Will Have to Wait

The president has called for the creation of a new military branch. So far, Congress is ignoring him.


Is Trump Going to War With Iran?

The president threatened the Islamic Republic with “consequences,” but the prospects of an actual military conflict are slim.


U.S. Spy Chief: ‘I Don’t Know What Happened’ in Helsinki

Director of National Intelligence Coats got another surprise Thursday: Putin is coming to town.


Chinese Hackers Targeted Internet-of-Things During Trump-Putin Summit

A spike in attacks sought access to devices that might yield audio or visual intelligence.


After Secret Trump Meeting, Russia Offers to Resume Military Relations

Did Trump offer to normalize relations? It would be complicated — and Congress gets a vote.


The Air Force Wants More Commercial Companies Working AI Projects

Defense leaders issue a new call to industry after a study finds just two of 100 top AI firms have Pentagon contracts.


The White House Transcript Is Missing the Most Explosive Part of the Trump–Putin Press Conference

It’s not clear whether the omission was intended, but the meaning of a key exchange is dramatically altered as a result.