
H.R. McMaster and Donald Trump: A Partnership That Was Never Meant To Be

The qualities that worked for McMaster so well in the military proved less than ideal in a Trump White House.


The Pentagon Wants AI To Reveal Adversaries’ True Intentions

The U.S. military is looking to enlist game theory and artificial intelligence to fight tomorrow’s unconventional warfare tactics.


How Trump Can Avoid The Setbacks That Doomed North Korean Nuclear Talks in The Past

A former U.S. Department of Defense and State Department official explains why a hard-line approach on North Korea will likely fail, as it did with Iran.


What's Next for Trump's Border Wall?

This week, the president inspected eight prototypes, but his administration still has a long way to go before bringing his campaign pledge to fruition.


Analysis: Telling the Truth About CIA Torture

Trump’s nominee to lead the agency should answer a number of tough questions about her role in its now-defunct “enhanced interrogation” program.


What Happened at the Thailand 'Black Site' Run By Trump's CIA Pick

The Senate's 2014 report on torture details what "enhanced interrogation" really entailed.


Trump Calls for a Space Force, a Concept His Pentagon Opposes

The president’s words could reanimate a legislative proposal that the defense secretary and others thought they had killed.


The New Secretary of State Is a North Korea Hawk

Mike Pompeo’s skepticism about negotiating with Kim Jong-Un could change the course of nuclear talks.


Here’s What the Services Want from Congress This Year

After lawmakers pass the budget promised by February’s bipartisan deal, the three secretaries have other priorities for legislative action.


James Mattis Has Somehow Stayed on Trump's Good Side

While the president has railed against other Cabinet officials, the defense secretary has avoided his wrath—so far.


A Controversial Record of Torture, But Maybe Not a Deal-Breaker for Democrats

Deputy CIA Director Gina Haspel oversaw one of the agency’s infamous “black sites” over a decade ago and has been harshly criticized for it. Now, she may be Democrats’ best option.


An ICE Spokesman Quit Over the Trump Administration’s 'Misleading Facts'

The controversy around raids in Northern California underscores how political immigration enforcement has become, on both sides.


Why a Meeting Between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un Is So Risky

In international diplomacy, the leader-to-leader meeting is the highest level of commitment available.


Russia Will Challenge U.S. Military Superiority in Europe by 2025: U.S. General

Russia is advancing in key military technology areas and shows no deceleration in efforts to destabilize the West, said the commander for U.S. forces in Europe.


Trump Barely Has Anyone to Talk to North Korea

There are few U.S. officials who have ever met a North Korean representative.


Pentagon May Create a Combatant Command for Space

The Defense Department is also looking at major changes to speed up how it buys satellites.


What If Trump's North Korea Bluster Actually Worked?

Kim Jong Un's offer of talks with the United States is accompanied by questions about his intentions.