
Lockheed: Pentagon Negotiators Are Becoming More Unpredictable

The company’s CFO says willingness to discard precedent has stalled a new deal for the F-35 — and even affected the C-130.


Senator Explains His Warning About 'Biblical' Conflict With North Korea

The Idaho Republican also says there's no "bloody nose" strategy: "What a dumb thing to do."


The U.S. is Accelerating Development of Its Own 'Invincible' Hypersonic Weapons

Russia isn’t the only country looking to build invincible hypersonic weapons. Here’s the latest on the U.S. efforts to send missiles and even aircraft five times faster than sound.


Whatever Happened to Trump's Counterterrorism Strategy?

His approach borrows from his predecessors’, while exacerbating their worst, most counterproductive tendencies.


Russia ‘Incredibly Destabilizing’ as Syrian Conflict Threatens Region, Top U.S. General Warns

Weeks after Tillerson said the U.S. and Russia share a postwar vision, Votel says Moscow is playing both “arsonist and firefighter.”


The Air Force One Deal May Be Less Rosy Than Claimed

The White House’s “fixed-price deal” may still leave the taxpayer on the hook.


New Report Notes Erosion of Pentagon’s Technological Advantage

The evidence ranges from a new long-range Chinese missile to ramped-up European defense spending, an annual assessment of the world’s militaries finds.


Senator Trained as Accountant Presses Pentagon on Pricey Audit

Budget chairman Enzi asks Mattis for timeline after report exposing flaws.


North Korea Is Upping Its Offensive Cyber Operations

As Pyongyang runs out of money for missile tests, expect more hacking.


How to Grow the Military Without Buying More Ships, Planes, Tanks

Pentagon leaders want to shorten the time spent on overhauls, keeping the weapons more available to fight.


Here’s What Invisible Brain Weapons Did to U.S. Diplomatic Workers in Cuba

The long-awaited report names no culprits and fails even to determine how the damage was done. But it documents real, long-lasting damage.


White House Threatens ‘Consequences’ for 2017 Russian Cyberattack

In an unusual public statement, the White House fingered Russia and said it would respond with unspecified “international consequences" to NotPetya.


1990s Law Limits CDC's Ability to Research Gun Violence As a Public Health Issue

Law was intended to prevent gun control advocacy, but has ended up preventing the agency from studying gun-related deaths.


The Case of the Sick Americans in Cuba Gets Stranger

The suspects include Cubans, Russians, cicadas, and psychology.


Trump Said He Cut $1B from Air Force One's Price. His New Budget Says He Hasn't

The Pentagon's budget request sent to Congress on Monday still projects two new Air Force One jetliners costing $4 billion.


Trump Proposes 10% Bump for the Pentagon — Then Four Flat Years

The coming military buildup is looking smaller than promised.


Analysis: The Truth About Military Parades

Military parades say more about those who order and watch them than those who participate in them.