
What's the Logic Behind Trump's Threat to North Korea?

The president has vowed the greatest display of military power in living memory—over threats.


Does the U.S. Military Need a Space Corps?

A proposal in Congress would create the first new uniformed service in 70 years, but it faces opposition from the Pentagon.


Former Pentagon Acquisitions Chief Belittles Reorg Plan

Frank Kendall sees NDAA-mandated split of his former job as doomed to fail.


Military Eyes New Mini-Nukes for 21st-Century Deterrence

The Joint Chiefs’ vice chair says smaller-yield weapons are needed to deter the use of same.


The Feud Between the Trump Organization and the Secret Service

The security detail at Trump Tower has moved into a nearby trailer after a lease dispute with the president’s company.


Analysis: Can This National Security Council Handle a Real Crisis?

The people in the Situation Room inevitably neglect basics that will keep them, and the rest of us, alive. In this White House, the risks are especially high.


Is Trump Right About Afghanistan?

The country is still dangerous nearly 17 years after the U.S.-led ouster of the Taliban regime.


An NSC Staffer Is Forced Out Over a Controversial Memo

The document charges that globalists, Islamists, and other forces within and outside the government are subverting President Trump’s agenda.


Tillerson Acknowledges 'Differences' With Trump on Iran Deal

But the secretary of state said he was “comfortable” sharing his views with the president.


New U.S. Rules Would Ban Most Travel to North Korea

The decision was prompted by Otto Warmbier’s death in June.


Pentagon Now Offering Top Officials Classified Tablets

The Defense Department's pilot program allows access to materials up to secret level.


Trump Awards Medal of Honor to Army Medic

71-year-old James McCloughan is the award’s first recipient under the Trump administration.


The U.S. Government's Fight Against Violent Extremism Loses Its Leader

The resignation of George Selim, a key Homeland Security official, may signal a shift away from treating the American Muslim community as partners in the struggle against radicalization.


Latest Tally on Agency Vacancies Not Flattering to Trump White House

Two trackers show the president's appointments are pacing well behind those of recent administrations.


North Korea's Latest Launch Spurs U.S. Missile Tests, Flyovers

The United States has been ramping up exercises and diplomatic moves in response to worrying new developments out of Pyongyang.


ISIS Claims Attack on U.S.-Backed Troops in Syria

While the militant group struggles to maintain control of Raqqa, it continues to wage attacks on SDF fighters.


North Korea Launches Another ICBM

Preliminary data suggest the projectile can travel farther than the missile launched earlier this month.


Why Russia Ordered the U.S. to Reduce Its Diplomatic Staff

The step comes a day after the U.S. Senate passed a sweeping sanctions bill, which now awaits President Trump’s signature.