
Lawmakers Grill Defense Officials on Equipment-Transfer Program

Members of a House committee expressed their concerns over a recent report revealing holes in how the agency turns over unused military gear to law enforcement.


Two Big Things That Aren’t Changing After Donald Trump’s Tweets On His Transgender Military Ban

One, nothing is different until he actually tells the Pentagon. Two, Americans who change gender still must register for the draft. It's the law


Air Force Wants Robots Watching Twitter

Tomorrow’s operations will be shaped by automated analysis of the world’s open-source data, says the service’s chief of staff.


Trump’s Transgender Troop Ban Sparks An Instant Opposition of Unusual Allies

The commander in chief tweet-declares a stunning change for military personnel, but it’s far from clear he can make it stick.


Analysis: The Cost of Banning Transgender Service Members

Exclusion leaves the military weaker and the country more divided.


Trump Bans Transgender Americans From Serving in the Military

The president’s move reverses the Obama-era plan to phase in their participation.


The Navy’s Newest Aircraft Carrier Has No Urinals

Only seated toilets and stalls are available on the $12.9 billion USS Gerald R. Ford.


Jared Kushner Maintains He 'Did Not Collude' With Russia in Rare Public Statement

President Trump’s son-in-law and adviser addressed reporters after meeting behind closed doors with the Senate Intelligence Committee.


Analysis: The Dangerous Politicization of the Military

By asking active-duty personnel to lobby Congress in their own self-interest, President Trump crossed an important line.


Trump’s Special Ops Pick Says Terror Drones Might Soon Reach the US from Africa. How Worried Should We Be?

Technological advancement could produce ocean-spanning consumer UAVs. But extremists won’t necessarily bother with them.


Pentagon Logistics Agency Transferred Sensitive Military Surplus to GAO Sleeper Purchasers

Fictional law enforcement agency successfully bought items ranging from night vision goggles to small arms.


DIUx Wins Support — and More Cash — from Trump’s Pentagon

The vice chair of the Joint Chiefs touted an effort to track North Korean missile launcher, while the military’s new weapons buyer called it a good model for developing and acquiring capabilities.


The Army Seeks Internet-of-Battlefield-Things, Distributed Bot Swarms

After nearly two decades of war against technologically unsophisticated foes, the Army Research Lab is reorienting to counter China and Russia.


The 'Blackwater 2.0' Plan for Afghanistan

Private military contractors have spotted an opportunity as America’s longest war grinds on.


Army Looking to Integrate Network Soldiers with Tactical Units

Brigades are working out various ideas at training centers, says the head of the service’s Cyber Command.


Mislabeled Weapons Raise Risk of Accidental Explosions in South Korea

Pentagon IG says the Air Force incorrectly recorded weights of explosives at military storage facilities.