
What Did Mike Pompeo Do?

Reports that Trump asked intelligence chiefs to help shut down the investigation into Michael Flynn raise the question of whether the CIA director was asked to do the same, and how he reacted if he was.


Without Trump’s Stalled Travel Ban, DHS Chief Not ‘Fully Confident’ of U.S. Security

Kelly told lawmakers that terror attacks, like the recent one in London, demonstrate the need for increased vetting of refugees and improved border security.


U.S. Carries Out Another Airstrike in Syria

The nation resorted to military action after pro-regime forces breached a deconfliction zone.


Russian Fighter Jet Intercepts a B-52 Over the Baltic Sea

A tense exchange near Russia’s border as European Command-led exercises get underway.


New Air Force Secretary Sounds a Lot Like the Old One

In her first Washington event, Heather Wilson says the service needs new planes, faster.


Private Defense Companies Are Here to Stay – What Does That Mean For National Security?

For-profit corporations are deeply embedded in US national security infrastructure – and they're not going anywhere."


Navy Sends Congress $5.3B Wishlist of Planes, Ships and More

The 48-item ‘unfunded priorities list’ arrived a week after the service’s $172 billion budget request for 2018.


Stinger Missiles Can Now Shoot Down Small Drones

A missile that gained notoriety in the 1980s has been updated for today’s battlefield.


Pentagon Wants to Get Started on New Air Force Two and Doomsday Planes

The aging C-32 and E-4B may be replaced by similar aircraft, or at least with planes that share some gear.


U.S. Conducts Successful Missile Defense Test

The simulated attack is likely a response to North Korea’s increased missile testing.


Iraq and Afghanistan: The $6 Trillion Bill for America’s Longest War is Unpaid

In past wars, taxes were increased to cover some of the extra spending. That's not the case for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the costs are adding up fast.


U.S. Puts Multi-Warhead Interceptor On the Fast Track

Officials won’t say it’s because of North Korea. But experts say Pyongyang’s planned ICBMs will almost certainly release decoys to cloak their nukes.


The Greatest Loss of Civilian Life in the U.S. Fight Against ISIS

The Pentagon confirmed that a U.S. airstrike inadvertently set off ISIS explosives that killed more than 100 people in Mosul.


Boeing Protests Air Force’s Jamming-Plane Decision, Alleging Conflict of Interest

Company officials say the decision to let L3 pick the aircraft means a choice has already been made.


'It Is Irritating': The U.K.'s Anger Over U.S. Intelligence Leaks

The British home secretary says she has “been very clear with our friends” about the release of information related to the Manchester attack.


Trump’s Military Buildup Won’t Begin Until 2019

Pentagon officials says they're working to fix readiness first, then grow the military.