
CYBERCOM Budget Request Focused on Elevation to Full Command

The command is hard at work prepping for elevation, but with no strict timeline, Adm. Michael Rogers said.


Michael Flynn Invokes the Fifth

President Trump’s former national security adviser won’t comply with the Intelligence Committee’s demand for Russia-related documents, his lawyers said Monday.


Trump Reportedly Tried to Enlist Intel Chiefs to Defend Against Russia Inquiry

Report says the president asked Daniel Coats and Michael Rogers “to publicly deny the existence of any evidence of collusion during the 2016 election.”


New Tactics, Quicker Decisions Are Helping to ‘Annihilate’ ISIS, Pentagon Says

The military’s top leaders credit Trump for delegating authority and directing efforts to surround ISIS fighters.


NATO Laying Groundwork to Send More Troops To Iraq, Afghanistan

The bump could come with more alliance responsibility for fighting ISIS in Iraq.


In Urgent Request, U.S. Special Ops Adds 350 Kamikaze Drones to Fight ISIS

And that's not all. The command is also opening a drone-hacker lab to help keep up with ISIS weaponeers.


Did Trump Know Flynn Was Under FBI Investigation When He Appointed Him?

According to "The New York Times," the former national-security adviser informed the presidential transition on January 4 that his undisclosed lobbying for Turkey was under scrutiny.


How Pentagon Contracting Is Killing the Military’s Technological Edge

Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” is a quick read compared to some procurements, and far more satisfying.


The Pentagon Is Almost Ready for Its Close-Up

The Trump administration is pledging to audit the Department of Defense for the first time in its history while simultaneously demanding a record spending increase. Can it do both?


Freedom for Chelsea Manning

She spent seven years of a 35-year prison sentence at the Fort Leavenworth military facility in Kansas.


Mattis Fills Key Executive Positions at the Pentagon

Former official: Defense Secretary James Mattis’ political SES appointments are mainstream choices.


How Bad Was Trump's Reported Disclosure of Classified Information?

If you’re known as someone who cannot keep a secret, the world’s secret-keepers are not going to tell you much.


The Pentagon’s New Algorithmic Warfare Cell Gets Its First Mission: Hunt ISIS

Turning hours of drone video into actionable intelligence is just the start for the fast-moving machine-learning team.


How American Special Operators Gradually Returned to Somalia

A U.S. soldier was killed in the country this month for the first time in more than two decades. What was he doing there?


Spy Chief Searching for Cuts Across Entire U.S. Intelligence Community

Trump's new intelligence chief, Dan Coats, says he’s already moving on GOP lawmakers’ request to streamline all 17 agencies, including his own ODNI.


DARPA Wants Artificial Intelligence That Doesn't Forget Everything It Knows

Biological systems don't completely freeze up when they encounter a new situation, but computers often do.


Intelligence Leaders Are Practically Begging Trump to Condemn Russian Hacking

The president’s unwillingness to call out Moscow’s electoral meddling is doing the Kremlin a favor, one former top spy testified to lawmakers.


Trump Advisers Call for More Troops in Afghanistan

The request recommends sending at least 3,000 U.S. troops to break the military stalemate in the country.