Some Details on the Pending NSPS Review

Brad Bunn, NSPS's Program Executive Officer, provided some details on the upcoming review of the National Security Personnel System by the Defense Department and the Office of Personnel Management:

I can assure you that Deputy Secretary Lynn recognizes that there are a variety of viewpoints regarding NSPS, and is committed to a thorough examination that includes outreach to Congress, other federal agencies, personnel management experts, labor organizations, and other stakeholders....We expect that it will include a review of the underlying design principles of NSPS, including the guiding principles and key performance parameters found in the operational requirements document, and the extent to which the system is achieving its goals. We expect the review to also focus on key issues of fairness and transparency, not only in the design but also in the imlementation. Another key issue to be examined is the effect of operating under NSPS for the non-bargaining unit workforce and the General Schedule sstem for our bargaining unit employees, and the challenges associated with that approach.

It appears that there's no leader, and no start or end date set for the review set. But its parameters are taking shape.

NEXT STORY: Liveblogging the NSPS Hearing