CLEAN UP Opposition

By Rob Brodsky

A leading contractor trade association has come out swinging against legislation introduced this week by Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., which would indefinitely suspend all public-private job competitions and encourage agencies to bring contracted work back in-house.

The Professional Services Council said today that the Correction of Longstanding Errors in Agencies Unsustainable Procurements (CLEAN UP) Act would set back the administration's contracting and government performance agenda.

"Regrettably, this legislation inappropriately limits the Obama administration's ability to achieve its goals and only drives yet another unnecessary wedge between federal employees and federal contractors when we should be building partnerships." said Stan Soloway, president and CEO of PSC. "It is the wrong bill, based on the wrong premises, proposing the wrong 'solution,' at the wrong time."

NEXT STORY: It's National Foster Care Month...