Play of the Day -- Rick Perry's 'amazing' debate meltdown and Italy needs Herman Cain

A daily roundup of late-night video.

Another Republican debate? "Those things will put you to sleep faster than Conrad Murray," David Letterman joked on Wednesday. One moment from last night's debate caught Jimmy Kimmel's attention. "Rick Perry had an amazing meltdown," he said. "If I were Mitt Romney, I wouldn't even show up to these debates any more. I would just go to Hawaii and wait it out until the election, drink some caffeine-free diet Coke, sit there and watch Rick Perry and Herman Cain self destruct." Don't miss today's Must See Moment at 3:19 where Letterman presents a new Cain campaign ad. What's so special about the spot? It's not an ad for president of the United States. Watch:

NEXT STORY: A Hoover Two-Fer