Government Executive : Vol. 39 No. 3 (3/1/07)

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  • Shock Troops
    Commandant Gen. James T. Conway details what the Marine Corps needs to win in Iraq and elsewhere.
    By Greg Grant
  • Tribal War
    Fueled by frustration with an impotent government and resentment of violent American tactics, the forgotten war in Afghanistan threatens to ignite.
    By Greg Grant
  • Shooting For Mars
    Relying on a tried-and-true design from the Apollo program, Lockheed Martin wins its bid to build the next human spacecraft.
    By Kimberly Palmer


  • Scaling Mount Vista
    Federal agencies look ahead to Microsoft's new operating system. By David Perera
  • Unshared Savings
    Cash incentives to get companies to foot project costs fizzle. By Jenny Mandel
  • Bye-Bye Barnhart
    SSA commissioner grudgingly leaves behind the agency she loves. By Karen Rutzick
  • Basic Math
    The federal budget proposal is an exercise in optimism or delusion, depending on your point of view. By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Sniffing Out Threats
    New York's mystery odor shows that modern sensors are limited in their ability to detect airborne chemicals. By Zack Phillips
  • Balancing Openness and Privacy
    To disclose or not to disclose, that is Daniel J. Metcalfe's legacy. By Daniel Pulliam


  • Managing Technology

    Mixed Signals
    Jammers meant to foil roadside bombs in Baghdad jeopardize troop safety. By David Perera and Greg Grant
  • Management Matters

    Who's the Boss?
    Federal workers answer to the Constitution. By Brian Friel
  • Intelligence File

    Behind the Scene
    New spy chief Mike McConnell knows how the shadow intelligence community works. By Shane Harris
  • Viewpoint

    Brand New
    Ten reasons every agency should focus on what makes it special. By Dannielle Blumenthal
  • Viewpoint

    Breaking the Sound Barrier
    An agency is only as good as its ability to communicate. By Pat McLagan
  • Political World

    A Lot to Learn
    The new Democratic majority must avoid making rookie mistakes. By Charles Mahtesian


  • Editor's Notebook
    Emphasizing combat instead of nation-building has some concerned.
  • Letters
  • The Buzz
    GI Joe, the brew; humping a load; a peacenik at Defense.
  • Outlook
    Agencies are gaining the trust of the American people. If only they could say the same for their own employees. By Tom Shoop

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