Government Executive : Vol. 41 No. 6 (6/1/09)

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  • Untangling the Recovery
    Government gets one more shot at proving it can get the job done.
    By Robert Brodsky
  • The Public Eye
    Bev Godwin of the White House's new media office sizes up the potential and pitfalls of opening up to citizens online..
    By Aliya Sternstein


  • Border Wars
    Turf battles between Justice and Homeland Security are undermining efforts to combat drug trafficking. By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • The Price Is Right
    Cost estimation is becoming a hot-button topic as the Pentagon tries to keep ballooning contracts in check. By Elizabeth Newell
  • Security First
    Holistic acquisition approach builds in agility to protect networks. By Alan Paller


  • Managing Technology

    America's Got Talent
    Integrated hiring systems make it easier to tap the best job candidates. By Gautham Nagesh
  • Management Matters

    Managing Risk
    The private sector failed to prevent the financial collapse. Can agencies do better? By Brian Friel
  • Intelligence File

    Measure of Change
    President Obama follows in the footsteps of Bush-era policies By Shane Harris
  • Viewpoint

    On to Transparency
    Agencies already have the tools to take the next step toward data-driven decision-making. By Patricia Healy
  • Viewpoint

    A Stronger Voice
    CAOs need more clout to fix the flawed acquisition system. By Al Burman and Shirl Nelson


  • Editor's Notebook
    Is President Obama ready for a budget battle? By Tom Shoop
  • Briefing
    Intern affairs, pirate patrol, follow the money, and center of the storm.
  • Perspectives
    What does it take to protect the American public? By Timothy B. Clark

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