Report stresses management’s role in boosting cybersecurity
The Bush administration has pledged to ensure that cybersecurity is a management priority and will devote extra funding to plug the government’s IT security holes, according to a report released Wednesday by the Office of Management and Budget.
Based on a review of agencies' self-reported cybersecurity weaknesses, the Bush administration has pledged to ensure that cybersecurity is a management priority and will devote extra funding to plug the government's IT security holes, according to a report released Wednesday by the Office of Management and Budget. The release of the report ends the first round of reporting under the 2000 Government Information Security and Reform Act, which required program reviews and audits of information security practices by agency inspectors general. The first internal reviews were due to OMB by October 2001. OMB sent its overview of the security gaps reported by agencies to Congress Wednesday. According to the report, agencies have a long way to go in fixing their cybersecurity weaknesses. The report emphasized that security is an "essential management function." Therefore, it said, program officials-not just security officers and chief information officers-are "primarily responsible for ensuring that security is integrated and funded within their programs and tied to program goals." OMB found six main deficiencies in agency cybersecurity efforts, most of which focus on management rather than technology:
- Senior managers do not currently view cybersecurity as a priority. "[Security] is a management function, which must be embraced by each federal agency and agency head," the report said.
- Program officials are not being evaluated on how well they integrate security into their systems. "Virtually every agency response regarding performance implies that there has been inadequate accountability for job and program performance related to IT security," the report said.
- Agencies are doing a poor job of educating their employees about the importance of cybersecurity. "Some agencies and large bureaus reported virtually no security training," the report said.
- Agencies are still working to integrate security into the budget and planning process. "[Agency] officials must ensure [security] is built into and funded within each system and program through effective capital planning and investment control," the report said.
- Agencies are not including adequate security requirements in IT contracts. "Given that most federal IT projects are developed and many operated by contractors, IT contracts need to include adequate security requirements," the report said.
- Security incidents and intrusions are not being detected or reported to interagency security groups. "Far too many agencies have virtually no meaningful system to test or monitor system activity and therefore are unable to detect intrusions, suspected intrusions or virus infections," the report said.