Have you ever felt like you’re the only one who doubts yourself? Does that little voice inside your head compare you to people who seem like they just totally have everything completely together? Well, guess what. It’s not just you. Most everyone has their own inner critic that’s way too hard on themselves.
If you want to get some perspective on what’s going on with that and how you can train that inner critic to lighten up, you should take a look at Mike Robbins new book, Nothing Changes Until You Do
. Mike describes how all too often our self-talk is harsher and more demanding than anything we would ever say to another person. He suggests that instead of beating yourself up over some shortcoming, you should extend the same compassion for yourself that you would for a loved one, friend or colleague.
I had the opportunity to talk with Mike recently and really enjoyed the conversation. In it he offers three practical steps for quieting your inner critic that are easy to do and likely to make a difference. You can listen in at the link below.
(Image via romrf/Shutterstock.com)