
Here's What Really Happened With Mail Ballots and USPS on Election Day

Postal Service says ballots were delivered on time, though Postmaster General DeJoy faces court censure.


Face Coverings Could Save 130,000 American Lives from COVID-19 by March

A powerful new study models just how critical this simple, low-cost step will be this winter and through the course of this pandemic.


Election Day Passes Without a Declared Winner, But Transition Planning Will Continue

New laws have better prepared the government for this scenario than in 2000, the last time the results were significantly delayed.


FLRA Overturns Its Own Regional Director, Busts Immigration Judges’ Union

The lone Democrat on the board of the agency tasked with administering federal labor law accused his colleagues of “sophistry” and “facetious” reasoning to strip more than 450 federal employees of their collective bargaining rights.


The Legal Theories at the Heart of Trump’s Order Politicizing the Civil Service

Federal employees could find it hard to challenge the White House’s move to strip civil service protections from them, since courts traditionally have sought to avoid weighing in on agency terminations.


Whatever Happens in the Election, Get Ready for a Rocky Transition

President Trump indicates he won’t cooperate with handing over power if he loses to Joe Biden, and if he wins, will root out government officials deemed disloyal to him.


How to Keep Your Head Clear in the Weeks to Come

It’s no secret that most of us, no matter which candidate we’re voting for, are feeling a lot of anxiety and stress around what might happen this week.


Whoever Wins the Election, There Will Be a Transition

A veteran of previous transitions offers program implementation strategies for a new administration—whether that’s Trump’s 2nd term or a Biden presidency.


House Committee to Subpoena Records on Discipline Related to Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group

Rep. Carolyn Maloney says Customs and Border Protection won’t turn over records identifying agents disciplined or fired for their offensive posts


GovExec Daily: The Races to Watch on Election Night

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the contests federal employees will want to monitor.


10 Competitive Races for Federal Employees to Watch

Senate control hangs in the balance as several races of key importance to feds are among the tightest in the country.


Schedule F Order Relies on a Myth the Private Sector Fires More People Than the Government

The notion that companies remove employees for cause more readily than federal agencies is not supported by the data.


GovExec Daily: Change Management at HHS

Theodore Roosevelt Government Leadership Award winner Dr. Priscilla Clark and Carl Sciacchitano join the podcast to talk about ReImagine HHS.


Coalition of 28 Labor Groups Urges Congress to Block Trump Order Creating Schedule F

Federal Worker Alliance sends a letter to Democratic appropriators urging them to include language in the next round of spending legislation to rescind President Trump’s executive order.


How Agencies Can Better Combat Fraud in Federal Programs

CARES Act implementation problems highlight the need for more effective oversight in safeguarding taxpayer dollars.


OPM Quietly Abandons Proposed Merger with GSA

The Trump administration’s merger plan was criticized by lawmakers in both parties and was eventually blocked by Congress.


FBI Association Says Director Wray Should Not Be Replaced Until His Term Is Up

The group that represents active and retired special agents sent letters to President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden making the case for continuity after the presidential election.