
Why Merit Matters

Governance isn’t a solo act and it won’t work well if we don’t trust the experts who are giving us advice. 


GovExec Daily: Transition Planning as Election Day Approaches

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss how the some agencies and the campaigns are preparing for a new administration or a second Trump term.


House Democrats Urge OPM to Halt Implementation of Order Politicizing Civil Service

House Oversight and Reform Committee leaders want to investigate the development and analysis of the effort to strip wide swaths of the federal workforce of civil service protections.


The Speed of Workforce Change Is Undermining the Civil Service

Personnel practices rooted in blue collar work from the last century continue to hold government back.


Global Media Agency CEO Revokes Regulation Clarifying ‘Firewall’ Protecting Journalistic Integrity

The move is at most symbolic and a "weird Hail Mary" days ahead of the presidential election, said a whistleblower attorney. 


Union Sues and Democrats Introduce Bill to Block Trump Order Politicizing Civil Service

As opponents of the president’s effort to convert chunks of the federal workforce into at-will employees kick off their efforts to stop the initiative, the administration has signaled that agencies can push forward ahead of schedule.


It’s Time to Fix the Frayed Relationships Feds Have With States and Localities

Program implementation is as important as underlying policy. A new focus on intergovernmental collaboration could foster innovation and improve outcomes.


Pamela Wright On Leading Digital Innovation at the National Archives

“Do not fall for the stereotype that government work is sleepy, bureaucratic paper pushing,” she says.


GovExec Daily: Changing Governance Models and the Pandemic

Dr. Alasdair Roberts joins the podcast to discuss how the Reagan-Clinton model comes up short in crises.


The Future of Work Post-Pandemic: We’re Not Going Back

Suddenly, the conversation about telework has shifted from “do we have the right technologies in place?” to “do we have the right people policies and training in place?”


Salary Council Chairman Resigns in Protest of Trump Order Politicizing Federal Workforce

Ron Sanders, a key ally in the administration’s efforts to reform the civil service pay structure, said he cannot be party to “an attempt to require the political loyalty” of federal workers.


GovExec Daily: The Order That Could Politicize the Civil Service

Former OMB official Robert Shea joins the podcast to discuss the latest executive order.


Opinion: Scoundrels, Saints, and the Fiction of Individual Genius

In the shadows of every celebrated scientist, there are other contributors who may be more deserving of our adulation.


Agencies to Have Wide Latitude In Deciding Which Jobs to Strip of Civil Service Protections

OPM issued initial instructions Friday for implementing a Trump executive order that allows federal policy-making positions to be converted from career jobs to at-will appointments.


Viewpoint: The Mismanagement Was Bad Enough. Now They Want to Tear the System Down

President Trump has launched an assault on the very foundations of American administrative government.


GovExec Daily: The Consequences of DeJoy's USPS Changes

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss an IG report on the Postal Service's recent service changes.


Governance Experts Assail White House Effort to Strip Federal Employees of Rights

Good government groups, unions and lawmakers were nearly unanimous in their scorching criticism of an executive order that could strip protections for hundreds of thousands and politicize the federal workforce.