
Senators Look to Block Land Management Chief After Court Mandated His Removal

William Perry Pendley says he is still running BLM despite court order that he vacate the position.


Trump’s Order Sets the Stage for Loyalty Tests for Thousands of Feds

The president’s executive order sweeps aside 140 years of federal policy promoting professional expertise.


House Democrats Renew Calls for Bill Giving Election Agency More Funding and Responsibility 

The “For the People Act” would bolster funding and responsibilities for the Election Assistance Commission.


‘Stunning’ Executive Order Would Politicize Civil Service

President Trump signs directive that would potentially pull thousands of federal employees in "policy-making" positions out of the competitive service, making them at-will employees.


Veterans Affairs Secretary Headlines GOP Fundraiser as COVID-19 Cases Surge

Electioneering by a cabinet secretary is unusual by historical standards, but Trump administration officials continue to show no reluctance to play politics.


Viewpoint: The Postal Service Will Deliver on Mail-In Voting

The election outcome will impact the policy path the Postal Service will follow in the years to come, argues a former chairman of the Postal Regulatory Commission.


Census Pulls Back on Year-End Delivery Commitment, Pushes Decision to Career Staff

Rushing in an effort to truncate the data processing timeline has "some risks," bureau official admits.


Advisory Agency Recommends Phaseout and Replacement of Disability Employment Program

The National Council on Disability raised concerns about the AbilityOne Program’s fulfillment of goals for moving more employees into higher paying jobs.


Trump Administration Requests Info on Contractor Diversity Training as Officials Seek to Clarify What’s Allowed

Federal officials now say at least some unconscious bias training is all right under a recent controversial executive order.


Public Administration Professors Decry Trump 'Weaponization' of Mismanagement

Open letter signed by more than 120 academics and former government officials accuses administration appointees of “routine and intentional administrative malpractice.”


Who Decides When Vaccine Studies Are Done? Internal Documents Show Fauci Plays a Key Role.

Dr. Anthony Fauci will see data from government-funded vaccine trials before the FDA does. One caveat: Pfizer’s study, which is ahead of the others, isn’t included in his purview.


Impasses Panel, Union Debate Appellate Court Decision’s Impact on Appointments Challenge

Government attorneys cited a recent D.C. Circuit Court decision in support of the argument that appointees to the Federal Service Impasses Panel should not require Senate confirmation.


House Democrats Seek to Reduce Corporate Influence in the Federal Government

A group of progressive-leaning House Democrats urged the Senate to not confirm lobbyists or C-suite officials for political appointments. 


Inside the Fall of the CDC

How the world’s greatest public health organization was brought to its knees by a virus, the president and the capitulation of its own leaders, causing damage that could last much longer than the coronavirus.


OPM Finalizes Rule on Trump Executive Order to Ease Firing and Discipline of Feds

Regulations set to go into effect next month will implement several key provisions of President Trump’s executive order.


From Intern to Chief Human Capital Officer: Miriam Cohen Reflects on a Federal Career

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s outgoing top HR executive spent more than three decades in government service.


Resilience Is Local, But Feds Can Help

In strengthening government’s response to COVID-19, nothing matters unless it matters at the community level.


Viewpoint: As Wildfires Burn, Assigning Blame Is Complicated

Climate change has made environmental catastrophes more frequent and severe. But government missteps are also at fault.


White VA Employees Twice as Likely to Be Promoted as Black Workers

The American Federation of Government Employees said Thursday that new data it obtained via the Freedom of Information Act underscores its allegations of systemic racism pervading the Veterans Affairs Department.