
After Multiple Delays, OPM to Begin Fielding Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey

The agency will ask all federal employees to respond to the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey across two six-week waves, meaning most results will not be available to agencies or for public viewing until 2021.


'Perfect Storm' Threatens 'Major Institutional Defeat' for the Census, Top Watchdog Says

The decennial count is ahead of schedule overall, but a condensed schedule and hiring shortfalls are creating significant risks.


Congressional Subcommittees Will Investigate Fort Hood's Leadership After a String of Deaths

"Where appropriate, we intend to seek justice on behalf of those in uniform," the subcommittee chairs said while announcing their probe of the Texas Army base.


Viewpoint: Diversity Training Isn’t ‘Anti-American Propaganda’; Trump’s Directive Is

The administration’s mandate to end such training could be summed up as “Don’t ask white people to think about race.”


Americans Are Renouncing U.S. Citizenship in Record Numbers – but Maybe not for the Reasons You Think

Some 10,000 people are likely to give up their U.S. passport this year, way above average. Are they fleeing COVID-19? Nasty politics? Taxes? None of the above, says an expert on American citizenship.


OPM Nominee Pledges ‘Nonpartisan’ Governance Despite Anti-Islam, Conspiracy Theorist Views

John Gibbs did not apologize for tweets disparaging Muslims or accusing leaders of the Democratic party of engaging in satanic rituals, but said he would not tolerate discrimination if confirmed.


Help Us Find the Government’s Boldest Innovators  

Nominations are open for BOLD Gov 2020, a showcase for federal innovation.


New Bill Would Create a Conservation Job Corps Run By Interior and USDA

It would also create a multi-agency council to oversee the $55.8 billion program.


White House Moves to Redirect Funding for Some Diversity Training at Agencies

Citing unnamed “press reports,” OMB said some training conducted by agencies is “un-American” and sows division in the federal workforce.


How the Government Can Drive Medical Innovation Amidst the Pandemic

Lessons from history make clear that the federal government can spur medical innovation in a crisis, including this pandemic. Providing certainty and clarity is critical.


Jerks Don’t Actually Get Ahead at Work

People with selfish, deceitful, and aggressive personality traits may not have an edge over generally nice people, a new study finds.


Mail-In Voting Lessons from Oregon, the State with the Longest History of Voting by Mail

Oregon's experience shows that mail-in voting can be safe and secure, providing accurate and reliable results the public can be confident in.


How COVID-19 Makes the U.S. Census even More Challenging

Getting the U.S. census count has never been an easy task, but this year’s census has hit several major challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic.


Mail Delays Could Affect Prescriptions for 1 in 4 Adults Over 50

A huge number of older adults get prescriptions through the mail, poll data shows. Delays in mail delivery could affect their getting medications on time.


White House Presses Agencies to Soften Rules for Pursuing Regulatory Violators

“The government should bear the burden of proving an alleged violation of law; the subject of enforcement should not bear the burden of proving compliance,” memo says.


Shortened Census Count Will Hurt Communities of Color

The census will likely count fewer Black Americans, Indigenous peoples, Asian Americans and Americans of Hispanic or Latino origin than there actually are.