
Shortened Census Count Will Hurt Communities of Color

The census will likely count fewer Black Americans, Indigenous peoples, Asian Americans and Americans of Hispanic or Latino origin than there actually are.


The Government Is Failing to Notify Employees of COVID Cases in Their Buildings or Ensure Cleaning, IG Says

The approach is "threatening the health and safety of federal workers, contractors, building occupants and the public," lawmaker said.


Too Many Americans Still Don’t Receive Acceptable Service from Federal Agencies

The government has long struggled with efforts to improve customer service; there are a few positive signs.


Pentagon Seeks Input from Workforce on Improving Diversity

The request is part of Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s overhaul of personnel practices.


Now in Government Food Aid Boxes: A Letter From Donald Trump

Democrats say the letter violates the law against using government resources to campaign. It’s just the latest example of President Trump using his office to boost his reelection hopes.


Federal Prisons Will Resume Social Visits By October 3

Worries about the Bureau of Prison's ability to keep staff and inmates safe during the pandemic persist.


If Trump Refuses to Accept Defeat in November, the Republic Will Survive Intact, as It Has 5 out of 6 Times in the Past

Five of the six contested presidential elections in U.S. history were resolved and the country moved on -- one ended in civil war. What will happen if the upcoming election is contested?


There’s No Need to Choose Between Taking Action and Building Evidence

Too often, policies that seem like obvious solutions to societal problems fail to help the people they are designed to help. We can do better.


USPS Is Fighting to Block the Release of Data on Mail Delays

The Postal Service is fending off pressures before its regulator and federal courts, but it's already suffered one setback.


I’m a Public Health Researcher, and I’m Dismayed that the CDC's Missteps Are Causing People to Lose Trust in a Great Institution

The CDC has long been a trusted source of health information, keeping the public not only safe but calm in times of disease outbreaks. Public health officials fear now for its reputation.


CDC Keeps New Testing Guidelines Despite State Backlash

If you don’t have symptoms, the CDC says, you don’t need a test.


Agencies Can Improve Hiring Practices on Their Own

They don't need to wait for legislation or support from OPM; they can make key improvements with just a few administrative changes, the Partnership for Public Service reports.


GovExec Daily: Disaster Management Amid the Pandemic

Former FEMA official Carlos Castillo joins the show to explain how the agency is working emergency management during the COVID-19 crisis.


Trump Promises to ‘Crush’ Coronavirus, Double Down on First-Term Priorities

“We will lead America into new frontiers of ambition and discovery,” the president said of his second term plans during the Republican National Convention.


Condensed Schedule and Counters Not Showing Up to Work Have Put the Census at Risk

Census has just a month to complete its count and GAO says it still faces significant challenges in collecting accurate data.


Social Security Denies Lake Charles Employees Weather and Safety Leave Despite Category 4 Hurricane

Just hours after Hurricane Laura made land fall along the western Louisiana coast, employees at the agency’s Lake Charles, La., field office were expected to work from hotel rooms after evacuating ahead of the storm.


Hurricanes and Wildfires Are Colliding with the COVID-19 Pandemic – and Compounding the Risks

Disaster preparation and evacuation procedures weren't made for social distancing. The pandemic means response decisions are now fraught with contradictions.